
My son loves Benny Cousins!!!?

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Is it wrong to allow him to continue to wear the great number 9 on his jumper???? He is only 4, too young to understand whats going on with him. People laugh when they see his number (he wears his jumper EVERYWHERE), but it goes right over my son's head obviously.

Should I save my son further humiliation and look into a new favourite player???!!!!!




  1. Let your son wear the jumper if he wishes to do so.

    Those people who laugh at him when they see him wearing the jumper are displaying less maturity than your 4yo son.

    As he grows older & realizes that Ben is no longer running around with the Eagles he will replace him, naturally, with another  'favourite' player. Probably next year or so he'll want Coxie's or Kerr's, or someone else's number.

    Those that want to rubbish Cousins - by all means do so - but to try & ridicule a 4yo is a bit rich (probably Dockers supporters anyway!!).

  2. Yes, ditch the West Coast Eagles Number 9 jumper instantly.

    Replace it with a Newcastle Knights Number 7, Andrew Johns

    (At least the affect is the same, so to speak)

  3. What wonderful taste your son has.

    Besides the drugs...Ben is a legend on the field and you have nothing to be ashamed of.

    Now in my point of view ..BEN IS HOT!!!

  4. look if your 4yr old likes the number 9 just unpick the thread from the number an turn it upsidedown to make it a 6

    if that dont work try a collingwood jumper


  6. Let him wear it, it will teach him about loyalty to his fave player & club, even if they are having a bad time.

    99% of all this c**p we keep hearing about is just the media, flogging a dead horse.

  7. no let him wear the jumper with the number 9 on it. if he loves cousins then he should wear the number 9 on his back. there is nuthin wrong with that. and there neva should be. doesnt matter what ben cousins did. (unless in the future he murders someone, but that is very different to what he has done).

    by the way, GO THE CROWS!

  8. Your baby is soooo cute :)

  9. I love Benny Cousins, He is HOT!!!!

  10. I would tell him...that there is nothing wrong with that. If your son loves Ben, good on him. I certainly think Ben is one h**l of a player, a true champion and mate...I wish he could play for The Crows.

    Why people bag him, I don't know, I think it's a case of people hate seeing famous and sports athletes succeed, so they hate them for it. I tell you, some comments made by people here are so LAME and so immature.

  11. To be brutally honest, I think Cousins is a total embarrassment to his sport. Even when he was sprung, he strutted around and carried on like the game needed him to survive.

    Whart some of these guys need to realise is that no player is bigger than the game. Players and coaches come and go, but the game goes on. In a couple of years, people will ask."Who was Ben Cousins", "Was he a good player?"

    A mate of mine was at the Sydney Casino a few years ago after a Sydeny/West Coast game and he said Cousins was strutting around with a big wad of cash in his top pocket, wearing more jewelery than Snoop Dog and just acting like a wanker. He hasn't changed and he never will - in a few years he will probably be living on the street.

  12. there is nothing wrong with that, just don't steer him to end up like ben did

  13. i'm sure cuz will bounce back,,,,,,besides he is only 4,,you dont want to encourage the negative side of footy ehh,,but yeh see if you can encourage  him into another idol,,,hopefully a eagle,,,,,,,,,

  14. Omg, I wanna squish you sons cheeks, his is soooo adorable!

    Let him wear it if hes that obsessed with it.  Kids go thru fazes and I'm sure he will grow bored of it soon enough.

    Kids are so innocent, they no nothing of the grown up world of drugs, depression and hardship.

    Besides, Cousins is a champion footy player and HOT!

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