
My son needs help in Math, more help than I can obviously give him,?

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I read recently online somewhere that because he qualifies for reduced lunch and because of the "No Child Ldeft Behind Act" that he should qulify for free tutoring, does anyone know anything about this or where I should check in Talladega, AL to find out about it?




  1. not sure why free or reduced lunch would have anything to do with it. Any child that needs help qualifies for it whether the parents can afford it or not. The no child left behind act says that every child deserves a free appropriate education for their child. Not just kids who have poor parents LOL

    You need to get your son a 504 plan or an IEP though for him to qualify. Write to the director of special education and  request an evaluation to determine if he is eligable for special services.

  2. It depends more on the school actually, if they are a Program Improvement school.  The school should send out letters to kids who qualify and then you request the services.  Contact your school to ask.

  3. don't know if you can afford it but sylvan learning center is on line now. also look into yahoo kids they have a homework helper and its free. my daughter uses it for some of that stuff I'm to dumb to remember from my school days do a wed search i bet there more free sites for homework and tutoring that wouldnt cost you a dime and could be done at home.

  4. Your sons school will have all the answers. Make an appointment to see his teacher and review his work. I believe all schools have after school tutoring. My daughter had problems as well and did after school tutoring for 3 yrs. She now gets great grades. PLEASE,  don't be afraid to ask for the help that he is so entitled to.  He will thank you someday!

    Good Luck :)  PS After school tutoring costs nothing.

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