
My son plays with his p***s when he takes a bath or is geting ready for bed. What can I say to him?

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My son plays with his p***s when he takes a bath or is geting ready for bed. What can I say to him?




  1. Don't say anything - he's getting ready for bed and in the bath, both which are perfectly acceptable places to be touching it... and normal as well I may add. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can ask him to not touch his p***s unless he is in the bathroom or bedroom alone, because it's "not appropriate". Explain to him it is perfectly normal, but it's typical in our culture to do this when others aren't watching.

  2. How old is he?  Depending on his age, he may just be exploring himself and you really don't need to say anything.  If he is older - time to stop entering the bathroom without knocking . . . :-)

  3. all boys do it... havent you noticed when little baby boys are born thats all they grab soon as you change the pamper...hand goes straight for the p***s.... its natural... lol I say its his, so let him play with it....

  4. Well this completely depends on his age...Although I must say it is quite NATURAL for children to touch/explore their bodys....Is he so old that you shouldn't be in the bathroom with him???

    This starts at a very young age (uh the second you take a babys diapers off they reach for it...)

    Just explain to him (if he is old enough) that it's inappropriate to touch it with others around and that is something to be done only in private....

    If he's young 2-4ish 5....Just let him be.... geeez!

    Azzie420 stated it perfectly! You really don't want to make him feel guilty or embarrased by his body! Just explain nicely that it's something to do in private....His "private" parts...I'm 100% sure it's nothing sexual- It probably just feels "good"'s his body.

  5. It is totally normal.  Explain that that is his private area, encourage him to use clean hands and not to hurt himself, I would emphasize that that is something to be done alone and in private.  Let him have alone bath time (if he is to young to be alone in the bath just draw the curtain).  Don't shame him or make him feel like it is a big deal.

  6. Here's the better way to do it, and show him.

  7. Only that we do that in private, not while mommy is watching.

  8. His behaviour is normal and best ignored.

  9. depends on his age ,if he is pre school this is normal,i have 4 boys and everyone of them used to play down there,its extremely harmless and normal ,and he is just exploring his own body so if its in private leave alone he will grow out of it,if hes slightly older then just have a talk with him about appropiate touching and when it is and isnt acceptable but let him know that he hasnt done anything wrong,i had a son who liked to stroke peoples legs bless and whats cute at  two is a lot harder to explain in the local supermarket at four so we had to have the talk,its all part of growing up.

  10. How old is he?  This is very normal and healthy for him to do as long as it isn't in public,  there is nothing wrong with it.  Why are you having an issue with it?  Does it make you feel uncomfortable.  Or is it something that you feel is inappropriate?

  11. well let him know it isn't ok to do that but DO NOT make a big deal out of it..  and just so you know it is perfectly normal.. they will also laugh everytime you say pee,p**p or any other gross thing. we call it a peedo though lol

  12. I wouldn't say anything at all.  It could be very damaging to make him feel guilty for something that certainly isn't immoral for a little boy to be doing.  It could be very confusing for him, when he is just learning how his body feels, to feel like he is doing something "wrong".  He isn't doing it because it's sexual, but just because it's a part of his body that feels good when he touches it.  Just remind him that those parts are private, and that they don't need to have attention brought to them when he is in the same room as someone else.

  13. you should say "get used to it, you're going to do that for your entire life."

    how old is the kid?  it's probably normal and you should let it alone.

  14. It is totally normal. Just ignore it as long as he does it in privacy like in the bathroom.

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