
My son refuses to be potty trained ! he is almost 3 starting nursery soon will thet let him go?

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My son refuses to be potty trained ! he is almost 3 starting nursery soon will thet let him go?




  1. Ask the school what their rules are. Some will work with you IF you are willing to cooperate at home and do the same.  Maybe once he is exposed to other kids doing the same it will encourage him to participate at school, then at home.  I'm sure you have already tried incentives at home to get him to go.  Here's what I did with my son who was a late pottier...  He loved hot wheels like crazy so i bought several of his favorite ones and tied them to a coat hanger above the potty (kind of like a baby's mobile over their crib).  It hung pretty low so he could see them but not reach and whenever he tinkled (even a couple drops) I let him pick ONE car! After a couple weeks we moved on to skittles and the rest is history! Good Luck!!!

  2. be patient tell him to do it in the potty sit him down on it and tell him if the does this all the time and not in his trousers you will give him some extra pocket money start off hand him over 10p in his hand and say thats for you for going to the toilet in the potty.

  3. It is now considered discrimination to refuse a child because they are not toilet trained so if your son is refused you can ask to speak to manager or committee and even take it as far up as OFSTED (

    All settings should be trained for range of children and should all be criminal record checked and experienced in childrens personal care. They should also have a policy for chaning children and nappy plans.

    Do not let them get away with saying your son cant go because at 3 toilet training is not a neccessity as there are plenty of other milestones to be reached and children all reach them at their own pace.

    However may I suggest pull ups instead of nappies this way the child can use the toilet at nursery-he may see friends using toilet and want to copy-nappies are difficult because he'll need an adult every time to do it up and undo etc! x

  4. Usually once he finds out that he has to get his diaper changed and all the kids will know he'll be scared and embarrassed and want to use the tiolet.

  5. most will not - go straight to the toilet with him with a special seat - be firm he should be clean by now. You may have to do a bit of bribery though. Could he be embarrassed by you being there? you can get seats with belts so that he cannot fall off, also ones that play tunes. If he has a regular bowel movement then you have to try and catch him before hand.

  6. My son went to a nursery school that would only take them if they were what they called "dry" which meant that the child has to be able to take themselves to the toilet without help.

    Instead of getting him on a potty, have you tried a training seat that fits onto the toilet? Maybe try one of those and encourage him by saying that he is a big boy now and has to use the toilet. I'm sure that you will have some success as he will be intrigued by the novelty of it all. Good luck.

  7. Have you tried rewards? let him see another child his age using the toilet? that usually helps them.

    maybe he would prefer standing up to wee .. my nearly 3 yearold loves standing to do his wees .. just like his older brother

    it took 2 weeks to toilet train my son .. I tried earlier at just over age 2 but now that he's nearing 3 a little older and understands alot more .. he did it easily ..

    I put my son in undies all day .. even though he did accidents .. he knew that he was .. and realised that I didn't like cleaning his mess up all the time .. so started trying to get to the toilet..(you just have to keep an eye on him all the time .. ask when he looks like he might be going to go .. if he does an accident let him know that isn't good behaviour!)

    day 3 it was amazing.. no accidents ..

    Trick is just to do the hard yards once you put them in underwear .. don't go back to nappies it gives them mixed signals! .. put a plastic waterproof sheet under his sheet on his bed and let him sleep in the underwear as well .. he has to realise that thats how its going to be .. he's a big boy now!! and he'll soon realise that it's nice not wearing heavy wet yucky nappies :)

    I also bought my son some "Bob the builder" undies that he loved and didn't want to spoil ... otherwise I put him in the crutty ugly undies .. hehe

    Try it and I'm sure it will work :)

  8. My son wouldn't go near a potty, as soon as I bought a child toilet seat and tried him on that he did it straight away.

    You may need to check with the nursery, some accept them in nappies some don't.

  9. Probably not because of health and safety rulings they will not be allowed to change him.Small accidents they deal with but big smelly ones.

  10. HappyMum has got it - exactly what I did with my twins - daytime dry in 10 days - night-time dry in 30.  Persevere and ditch the nappies - don't be tempted to try pull-ups just go for pants.

    Good luck - thinking of you both X

  11. You have to be able to help yourself in the bathroom in a preschool setting if that's what you mean. No diapers including pull ups.

  12. The nursery will let him go, due to legislation changes in the last couple of years, they are not legally allowed to refuse him entry because he is not potty-trained. They tend not to let this be common knowledge but if you bring the subject up they will definitely hesitate and back-track!! It is a legal requirement that they have an inclusion policy to cover children that are not toilet trained, and this is not just for children who have a disability, it is for all children.

    As for the potty-training, I potty-trained mine in 2 weeks before he started nursery cos he's an August baby and was starting in September and he really wasn't ready before, had tried couple of times. In end I left it til 2 weeks before nursery and he actually did it cos I'd left him alone so long, bless him. If you've had loads of trouble, you might be better off leaving him til he starts nursery because a)he will see the other children using the toilet and want to be like them, and b)the teacher and nursery nurse will prob be able to help you, especially as it will be in there best interests to!

  13. enough answers u got. good. just do one thing. ask his father/uncle/grandfather/maternal uncle (male only) to ask him with love only.  u will see amazing results.

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