
My son said swearing is a way of life in high school, what should I do?

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should I tell the Principal?




  1. Yes, confront the principal. If your child is saying that it is a way of life, then obviously that means that the school is missing out on what the children are doing within their district. It is deffenetly a concern to reckon with.

  2. **** that, go to the district board and get this **** resolved.

  3. thats the worst thing u can do....just accept it it is a way of life in hs

  4. Don't do anything; swearing IS a way of life in high school. Even our teachers swear in front of us. Besides, what's the principal going to do? Tell them to stop? That'll just have the reverse effect. Kids will mock the principal, and they'll use swear words while doing it. Plus a lot of kids would say they have a right to free speech. There's nothing you can do but accept it.

  5. while i dont think you should tell the principal, you should teach your son how you feel about curssing, my family and my children would never curse in front of an adult, but when i went to the park,  there were teens there curssin and i had to let them know to watch their mouths around me and my mine

  6. First, how old is your son? Most boys swear. I remember my best friend starting swearing in grade 1 (we were 6). You can only encourage your son not to swear. It doesn't matter what other people do. He has to obey your rules. Telling the principal won't do anything (except guarantee your son atomic wedgies for the remainder of his scholastic career).

  7. Accept it.

  8. I'm a teen and i agree with every one else, it is a part of high school. I'm not a fan of swearing but it's around me all day so it's hard not to cuss when I'm frustrated. the principal can't do anything really, and it wouldn't help your kid in any way. If you try to control him he will just push away. But let him know how you feel about it and ask him to not cuss around you.

  9. swearing has gotten very prevalent in high schools and now comes up in everyday conversations and even from the teachers

    are you saying that you don't want you son to swear of you just don't know what to do because he's in that kind of environment?

    whatever the case, those of us who dislike swearing just have to do our best to ignore it...

  10. no don't you remember high school. or if not just encourage you son to be different and he has a better way of expressing his emotions. but if all else fails adapt your bot is growing up to be a man im pretty sure he can take it

  11. No, you are wasting your time, almost EVERYBODY swears in their daily lives, you can't force the entire school to cut it out of general conversation with their friends.

  12. When I was a kid my parents would have knocked my teeth out if I told them that.Back then it wasn't abuse, it was discipline.

    Kids today get away with far too much nonsense.


  13. Oh god no. Don't go to the principal. Cursing is really the least of your worries as long as your child is doing good in school and behaving like he should be in a way that is like a typical teen. Going to the principal would put a huge wedge between you and you might get laughed out of the school.

  14. god no. he'd kill you. don't worry it kinda is, but when your son gets to start having a job he will grow out of it.

  15. Unfortunately it is everywhere today. Movies, songs and everyday speech. But, does your son have to be like everyone? Can't he be who he is? At this time in his life, he is experimenting and trying to imitate people he admires. Who are his heros? Anyone from 9-11? The military? Real heros? Most kids look to rap stars, movies and sports. Not much there. Tell him if he wants to talk "tough" eventually he will have to back it up. That's why there is so much anger and fighting today.

  16. Um, don't tell the principal unless you want your son to be mercilessly teased.  

    I assume you have spoken to him about why swearing is rude & disrespectful to others.  If he still thinks he must do it, then make sure he understands it is not to be done in front of you, small children, etc.  You cannot control what he is doing when he's at school, but you deserve respect when he is in your presence.  Good luck!

  17. dont do that cuz they cant stop what ur kid says at school and at my school they just say to watch ur language and kids do swear frequently but they should know not to do it in front of adults ya know?

  18. If they're not shooting each other in his high school, feel lucky, and relax. The principal knows they swear. Most people would just assume that high school students swear.

    Tell your son that he might want to consider speaking like an educated person who is respectful and has integrity at some point..

    And that he has to decide who he is, not let his friends do it for him.

  19. i dont know what the problem is.

    what you should do is accept it

    S**t p!ss fucl< cul\lt c**k sucker motherphucker t!ts f@rt t**d and t**t

    there just words

    its not like hearing them is gonna send you into a spontaneous combustion

    "P***k" is just like the word "the" or any other word you can come up with

    its just a word

    a sound

    a combination of letters

    take it easy yo

    when he buys a handgun then MAYBE, start to worry.

    i dont see why people shield there kids from swearing like its gonna make them a better person

    everybodies daughters gonna **** some random guy during there life

    everybodies son is gonna do some dirt

    its life, dont take it so seriously, its not like its permanent.

  20. Tell him swearing is disrespectful, but it's his choice. Also, be firm that swearing is not permitted in your household! (same with mine!) Don't tell the principal, because there is nothing (s)he can do about it. That's the way it is. If he gets good grades, he should be fine!

  21. Yes it is, and dont tell the principal. just make sure he gives you respect.

  22. NO i would definitely advice you to NOT go to the principal.

    listen, it is your child and you know better than anyone and ONLY you can stop him....i am 14 myself.and i know that it is a way of life in today's high school BUT EVEN THEN, i dont swear....know the reason why??? because it was all upto my mom to stop me..

    since u said that he is a "cute and sweet kid who know's the rules" then, i think that he would definitely listen to you.

    one thing, dont force you kid by spanking or yelling because he would do it even more if you would do so..... just tell him what is right and what is wrong the choice should me made by him because i think that he is and should be sensible enough to do this!!!

  23. I guess it depends what kind of school your son is attending, catholic, public ect. But your son has a point. Swearing just comes naturally to teens and they use it in there everyday conversation.

  24. No way! If you spent just one day in a high school hallway during passing periods, you would believe him. He's right.

  25. You are crazy if you think the school can stop kids from swearing. If you son is sweet etc. then be glad for that. And honestly they teach safe s*x, no drugs, I would just get over the swearing as long as he does not do it. Eventually he will hear it when he is an adult anyway.

  26. get over it. as long as he's respecting you and not swearing at you or any teachers, it's not that big of a deal. that's just how it is in highschool.

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