
My son scoots on his back and he is 6months and 3 weeks old help?

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ok my son get's so mad when i put him on his belly he never liked it but i had to put him that way anyway for tummy time now i still do but he gets so mad and when he is on his back he scoots but will not do it frontwords and im wanting to know how i can help him?he can't sit up yet either and the Dr says he needs physical theropy because he is not crawling yet and im not going to make him go to that because i know all kids are different.and also he likes to stand with support like he is redy to walk is that ok for him to do as well?and sorry i am a first time mommy




  1. My son didn't start crawling until 7 months. He would lay there and kick his legs and I thought something was wrong. But finally he started dragging himself and now at 11 months he is crawling normal.

    My neice never crawled, She started walking and totally skipped the crawling stage. Everything is fine with her.

    Just give him time.

    It seems crazy that your doctor told you that, I've heard stories of babies not crawling until 9 months.

  2. i went threw the same thing with my lil brother and he had to have physical therapy but it help cause that not good for there neck and stuff

  3. *lol* My son used to push himself around on his back.  He walked at 9 months, clearly not physically developed at all!

    The milestone is "get from where baby is to a desired object" by 10-12 months.  Sitting up without support is considered normal from 4-9 months.

    WHO Milestone Chart

    Rolling over, sitting without support, cruising (walking along furniture), and walking independently are important developmental milestones. Crawling isn't.

    Crawling isn't even mentioned in my favorite pediatric development textbook!

    This seems strange since, of any of these behaviors, crawling is most associated with babies. The truth is many babies never crawl! They do need to find some way to move across the floor. Each will do so at unpredictable times and in distinctive ways. Your grandson may be a scooter, one who likes to stay upright and scoot across the floor on his bottom. Many babies prefer creeping, or wriggling forward on the stomach. Many children will crab-crawl, moving backwards. And, of course, many children will get up on all fours and crawl forward in the traditional way. Each child is unique.

    Some adults are concerned that children who don't crawl in the traditional way will be less coordinated. This is a myth. As long as the baby begins to move across the floor using each arm and each leg, there is no cause for concern.

    I'm reluctant to mention time frames, but somewhere between six and ten months I expect babies to discover some way to move horizontally across the floor to get desired objects. Obstacles to this include the child's not spending enough time on the floor, using an infant walker (which often eliminates the desire to learn crawling behaviors -- infant walkers are bad for proper development), having toys brought to the infant, pushing the child to learn to crawl, and physical problems such as muscle weakness. If babies actually crawl, it usually begins at around 8 to 10 months.

    Crawling – and moving in general - may be encouraged by spending time on the floor with the baby (called “tummy time” by many parenting resources). Consider placing favorite toys just out of reach, putting a dog-bone pillow or a rolled towel under his chest when he's on his stomach to keep his head up so he can look around and enjoy himself more when on his stomach, or putting a hand behind his feet to give him something to push against if he tries to crawl.

  4. not all kids crawl...he could just start to walk and never crawl. its okay and physical therapy, really? i dont think that is good advice, your baby is still young.

  5. your doctors thinks he need physical therapy because he's not crawling at 6 months? well then just baout every baby i know needed it then. i think you need a knew doctor. average age for crawling is about 8-9 months- my son sat at 5 1/2 crawled at 8 and stood up at 9. normal range for sitting is 6-8 months. Seems like your baby is very normal and you need to see a different doctor. one who know the correct milestone for your child's age. at 6 months my son wasnt even thinking about crawling. he started going backwards, then around in circles and then he went forwards. they learn and they start to like tummy time much better when they elarn tehy can get into things.

  6. I have one son as well he is currently 16mths. old so i'm not sure either at what age kids should be doing what, yes they are all different. but I can tell you want my son was doing at what ages. Rolled over at 3mths (both ways) sat up at 4.5mths. crawled at 6mths. stood up and walked alongside furniture at 7mths. and walked by himself at 10mths. A lot of friends of mine who have kids my sons age didn't reach these milestones until much later than my son did, so every baby is different. I don't think there is really anythign you can do to help him he will do it when he is ready to, but if your ped. thinks he needs therapy whats it gonna hurt to do it? good Luck!

  7. Why would your doctor say he needed physical therapy for not crawling yet? Some babies NEVER crawl. My daughter is 6 months, and can't sit up yet, and my eldest son (now 4) didn't crawl until he was almost 9 months. He was walking at 11 months, so it didn't hold him up any. Please try not to worry, doctors do their best to make us think we're failing as mothers, the truth is that your son is no different to thousands of other 6 month old babies. The fact that he is happy to bear weight on his feet, and is scooting on his back (I bet he looks so cute) shows that he's not having problems physically - your son just has his own way of getting around!

  8. it is perfectly fine for your son to walk before he crawls.  but that being said, he may need the physical therapy.  crawling is like problem have to figure out how to crawl.  if your son wants to walk first, it's possible that he finds crawling too much work to figure out and he'd rather skip it.  this could cause difficulty with problem solving in the future.  your doc wouldn't suggest therapy if he didn't think he needed it...that's not just something they throw out there.  perhaps you want to wait a bit and see if your son catches up, but at the same don't want him to be delayed either.

  9. That brings me back---thanks for the smile.  My son did the scooting on his back for many weeks, and HATED tummy time, but he liked to stand and took his first step on schedule at 12 months.  

    I don't think you should think about p.t. as "making" him go: if the doctor recommends it, think of it as a gift you are giving him, because it will help him.  The p.t. might even be fun for him.  And it's possible that they will catch/fix something that will help him develop properly with less work now than there will be if you wait.

    That said, many babies are not crawling at 6 months; not sitting is more of a concern.  

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