
My son seems to be getting attached to a blankie, should i take it away?

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I only pulled this blanket out of his drawer a few days ago, so he is just beginning the attachment. he is 13 months old, and its only when he is going to sleep that he has been wanting it.

my first son did not get attached to anything, so i dont know what the effects are.




  1. well if it's only for night time comfort i definitely wouldn't do anything, if you have a problem with him dragging it around everywhere you may want to teach him that blankets are just for bedtime

  2. Dude it's totally fine. I had a blanket (my goofy) which I still have. Yes that's right. I don't sleep with it, but I still have it. I loved that thing when I was kid, and would've been really sad if it had had an 'accident'. Let the kid have his blankie!

  3. Do not take it away. Children need their "comfort things" and that's what this blanket does for him. It's a good thing... be glad that he has it.

    And don't worry, he wont be taking it to college.

  4. Let him have it.  If it's a comfort to him, what's the harm? It's very normal for them to become attached to something at some stage in early childhood.

  5. It's a source of comfort for him. I really don't think it's a problem, especially as young as he is. I had a blankie for years. When I turned 6 or 7 (can't remember), my mom made a big to-do about me throwing it away. It was like a rite of passage.

    Of course she fished it out of the trash and gave it back to me years later. 80)

  6. No, don't take it away. my 6 year old still likes his blankey and they need it for security reasons...There's no harm in him having it

  7. I think it is ok to be attached to something although I never was. Some of my friends (14 y. old) still sleep with their blankies

  8. It's ok for him to have a favorite blanket,especially when he is sleeping.

    I still have a blanket that I love to cuddle up with on the couch.

    So don't worry there is nothing wrong with that.

  9. I see no harm in it if it's only to sleep with. My son is going to be 10 soon and still has a blanket from the day he was born( it's more like a rag now from so many years) but its his security to sleep. I get all kinds of family telling me its time to give it up but I figure if it makes him feel safe whats the harm hes not hurting anything and sooner or later he won't want it anymore (or it will totally destroyed). We all want our children to feel safe and I don't want to take that away from him. He has never hid it from friends comming over to stay the night and none of them has ever made fun of him or even given it a second thought.

  10. No you shouldn't take it away from him. He needs it because it's what comforts him it's what its called their security blanket. It's something hat comforts them and they can feel safe. You shouldn't even be considering taking it away. You have to understand each child is different just because one didn't get attach to a blanket doesn't mean your next child won't.

  11. no you shouldn't take his blankie away.take it away when he is a older child and doesn't need a blankie daughter is attached to a blankie too,but once when i took it away form her,she couldn't sleep all night so i gave her back her blankie

  12. Relax, you're doing everything a good mom does.  You love your child and he knows it.  He probably just links the blanket to something about you.  Maybe you used it to play peek-a-boo and he remembers it.

    I would just limit the blanket to time in the bed/crib.

    Good Luck

  13. He's still a baby, it's fine for him to have a blankie!  Many kids have a favorite toy or blankie until they are much older

  14. No, let him have it. I'm 13 and I still have my blanket. :0)

    (I'm not dependent on it, it just seems weird to throw it away....)

    That blanket got my through the night when I got scared when I was like 5 and 6, it's good to have something there. there aren't any effects that i know of, and i don't think you should take it away.

  15. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.  It is his security blanket and makes him feel safe and happy.  My stepson is attached to a silk pillowcase that goes to my bed.  My husband and I have no problem letting him have it when he goes to bed or when he is resting, but I think that when you are playing or leaving the house, it is not needed.

    So to answer your questions, as long as the child does not need it for absolutely EVERYTHING, but just as a comfort to fall asleep with, like a teddy bear, then let him have that!

  16. He may just like the feeling of it.

    since he is only 13 months old i would let him have it. but its up too you.

  17. Let him have it. There is nothing wrong with a secutiry item and if anything it's healthy for them to have one. My kids all had blankies and they eventually just didn't really want them anymore. They only used them at night too.

  18. let him keep it, he's let it go on his own when he is ready. I still have mine and I am 36( it is put away of course)

  19. No,don't take it away. My son had a green blanky for years. As a matter of fact, we had to replace it several times, LOL! It is a form of security for them. Your son will let go of it when he's ready.  

  20. No, don't take it away.  My kids all have an item they are attached to - my two sons have a stuffed animal, my daughter a blankie - that they absolutely must have in order to sleep.  Its great they have something that gives them comfort, its soothing, and they'll sleep anywhere as long as they have it.

    Some tips if I may?  Don't let them take it out of the house, unless you are doing an overnight trip.  Lessen the odds of them losing it.  Also, if you can, try to get a duplicate blankie in case he does lose it.

    My kids are 7, 5 and 4 and are still attached to their "lovies".  I haven't seen any adverse effects so far!

    Good luck!

  21. no let him have it. it will help him with bedtimes and other stuff that causes seperation anxiety. When its time he'll let go of it.  

  22. No being attached to something is actually good for kids

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