
My son sick and doctor will not help me. what to do :(?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday my son told me "momma tello no tik tik please"

right away i knew something was wrong cause he never tells me that

i touched his he was so hot. i took his temp it was normal

he wanted to visit his aunt we went to see her

he layed down with her watched tv

he was fine he saw his toys started playing

he got on his sit-in-spin

he asked for some water next thing i knew he was throwing up

like non stop

i told him to lay down he layed down in the front room with me

i went out bought food he refused to eat

then he stopped drinking.

yesterday he ate a lil cup of shredded cheese, a few french fries (my husband made me buy him mcdonalds) i think one nugget. after that nothing. i bought him a sprite that's all about he drank.

then he said momma peepee

i took him i checked to see if my husband was home cause i was worried i came back to the bathroom i guess he tried to f**t and p**p came eout but diaherrea like. he wa scared

he never been like this....




  1. What do you mean the doctor wont help you?  I find that hard to believe.  Irregardless, get that child to the emergency room.  DO you have any idea how dangerous an elevated temp is to a child?  Not to mention the diarrhea...the child will most certainly dehydrate.  Sudden and/or prolonged temperature change can cause brain damage, or even worse, death.  Your child can have fibral seizures...many horrible outcomes.  Why would you wait at all to get him medical attention?   Thank goodness there are no personal addresses in this forum; otherwise, Id have to report you to the authorities for child abuse.

  2. It sounds to me like you need to take him to the Emergency Room and have him checked out.

  3. take him to the doctor.

    thats all i got ,good luck!

  4. Sounds like he got food poisoning. My daughter recently experienced those same symptoms and it killed me to see her so unenergetic. The only thing a doctor will recommend that you do is keep giving him fluids to hydrate him and feed him soft foods until he flushes his system out. The process will take about a week or so, so be patient and try not to give up on him. Whatever you do, do not do a cold dip for the fever, it could put him in shock if not in a controlled area, (hospital). Hope this helps.

  5. woman you rush that child of yours RIGHT NOW to the hospital.

    Letting nature takes it's course is like slow murder.


  6. Aww I am sooooo sorry your baby isn't feeling well. I think you should take him to the hospital now. If he has some illness the doctors there will give him antibiotics or something to make him feel better. He's at a great risk of dehydration if he's pooping and vomiting so much like that. Take him please. Hope he gets better soon...

  7. go to the hosptial ! like now ....

    E.R !!

    hes sick & hes is little go to the hosptial hope everything goes good.

    good luckk :)

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