
My son started kindergarden at age 4, should he know how to read by the end of the year?

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My son started kindergarden at age 4, should he know how to read by the end of the year?




  1. i think so yeah

  2. it is my understanding that children are supposed to have some level of reading already by the time they reach kindergarden. school is not there to teach a child to read but to increase their understanding and reading level. a child should be learning reading at home already.

  3. I think they are suppose to have the concept of reading but it depends on the school that your son is going to. My nephew had to write a complete sentence with a  subject and verb and know how to write his name and be able to count from 1 to 30 and be able to write the alphabet upper and lower case and be able to read a book of the teachers choice. He had to do all this and more just to pass kindergarten and he started when he was 4 but had to repeat kindergarten.

  4. All kids are different.  Maybe he will be reading and maybe he won't.  It is not unusual for a child of 5 to be in the very early stages of learning to read.  Just pay attention to how he is progressing and communicate well with his teacher.  Try not to worry about it.  Best of luck.

  5. He might be able to write his name.

    He may have a few sight words he can recognize.

    Do you practice his colours & shapes, letters & numbers?

  6. There really isn't an answer to your question, it all depends on the child. It's not that uncommon for a child to go into first grade without knowing how to read. I would suggest talking with your child's teacher, they'll have a better idea of where your son is developmentally with his reading. They might even suggest a few things that you can try if you want your son to be reading by the end of the year.

  7. he should be able to read 3 letter words and some sight words

  8. If he's 4 and can't read yet then you must live in the USA

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