
My son started two apple trees from seed?

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They are about one foot tall now. When should he plant them? In the fall? SHould he plant the trees close to other? Any tips for fertilizing them would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Well Apple trees can grow in about any state in the U.S. Though some varieties do better in different climates and places with different diseases etc.  The best time to put something like that out would be the spring but since they are already a foot tall now what I would do is start putting them outside in whatever container they are in.  Put them outside for a few days for about 6 hours at a time and bringing them in.  This is to get them used to being outside or they will go into shock. Then in about a week and a half find a place that gets lots of sun and dig a hole for them,  I would plant some of the trunk of the plant also because I'm sure the roots aren't all that great on it.  Then I would stake them up right away even though you normally do this when they are about three foot.  Make sure when you dig the hole for the tree you water the hole plenty first.  Then fill in the hole and I would take some fertilizer some regular miracle grow will do and then dilute it 50 percent more than they instructions say and water around the tree not getting any on the trunk of it.  Then I would not fertilize it anymore ever.  Trees really do not need that much fertilization and then only water if its really dry weather and when winter comes you can put a plastic covering over it on nights that get very cold.  Also do not plant so close to each other when they get bigger they will fight for water and nutrients,  in orchards they are planted closer but that is because it is more cost efficient but not the most efficient for the healthiest trees.

  2. I am nott sure but

    i think you can plant them anytime exept winter.

    Dont put them to close tho.

    Firtalizing helps.Dont forget to water!!

  3. Have they been growing outside?  Putting them out now might burn the non-sun tolerant leaves.  Better when the leaves fall......but you'll need to have the plants getting the same sunlight hours and temperatures to encourage dormancy.  

    Fall is an excellent time to transplant as the soil is still warm.  Super protect this guys over winter.  As the snow or bad weather comes, cover with mulch....and mark them carefully so you don't step on them.  Light fluffy mulch is best so they don't rot underneath.  

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