
My son still believes in Santa Claus and is 13 years old. Is this unusual?

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My son just turned 13 and still believes in Santa Claus. Now I know it's still a few months until December, but he is starting to ask what Santa Claus will bring him for Christmas. I'm wondering if I should still be pretending that santa is real.




  1. He doesn't believe in Santa Claus...he doesn't want to hurt you.  He thinks YOU still believe in Santa.  Have a chat with him.

  2. Yes that is weird... he is almost in high school... you need to end that before he gets picked on...

  3. As long as it's not causing social problems with his peers, there's nothing wrong with that. Although, at 13 I'm surprised he hasn't been told by friends that Santa isn't real....somehow he's managed to stay VERY sheltered for 13 years.

    At this stage it's up to you whether you keep up the Santa game. If it's not harming him, you may want to give him one more Christmas, but I think by high school he should know the truth...

  4. Are you for real?  No offense, but if your son still believes in Santa, then it's your fault.  I think my son knew in third grade.  Why don't you ask him why he asked such a question and see what he says?  If he gives a reply that makes you truly think he still belives, then you really need to tell him the truth.  Same goes for the Easter Bunny because if he still believes in Santa, then he probably believes in the Easter Bunny, too.

  5. the main reason i would go ahead and tell him is because i know a guy that still believed in santa when we were like 11 and 12 and he got picked on SOOO much when everyone found out that he still thought santa was real. everyone was like "omg what a little baby" so just do it for the sake of your child not being picked on. kids are mean, especially nowadays. i plan on telling my daughter santa isn't real when she's about in the 4th or 5th grade. my little sister was the one who broke the news to me and it was HEARTBREAKING! but im so glad it wasnt my friends telling me and making me look like a doofus in front of everyone. and plus if his friends tell him, think of how he might react in front of his friends. maybe be confused, or maybe even be like me and cry.

  6. There is a very small chance that he actually does still believe in Santa, even if he is homeschooled!! He might be telling you that because he is afraid that he won't get presents from "Santa" if he tells you he doesn't believe anymore.

  7. Tell him that Santa Clause is just a made up fairy tail. And if he doesn't believe it coming from YOU....Tell him to ask the tooth fairy

  8. My son turned 9 December 23rd and I played **** getting him to remain quiet about Santa for his 6 year old brother. I didn't want him to ruin it for his little brother just yet but once he realized what MOM went through to get him what he got he gladly kept quiet. Money isn't everything and the sooner they realize that things don't just fall from the sky the better. All kids expect everything in life. When they know we can't always give that to them they accept what they get a little better and start learning to be grateful.

  9. Yes I do think you should tell him now.  He's a teenager is heading into adulthood.  He deserves to know the truth.  Christmas can still be "magical" without thinking Santa is real.  :)

  10. What do you mean "pretend" that santa claus is real?

  11. I am not sure that this is a bad thing.  Maybe let him figure things out on his own.  I do not think it is hurtful...

  12. Once the kid gets to 10 or 11 and hasnt worked it out, I think you should tell them. Just tell him now, it wont hurt anyone.

  13. no tell him the truth now it will only get worse later on

  14. I know many kids that kept telling their parents they believed in Santa Claus even when they didn't, because it meant that they would get more presents. Are you sure this isn't what your son is doing?

    And, yes, it's a bit unusual for a teenager to fervently believe in a mythical figure like Santa Claus, but many kids that age also like to believe in dragons and unicorns--maybe your son is just interested in fantasy!

  15. That's up to you.  If he is homeschooled he only knows what you have told him.  What would give you the idea he would think any different.  Usually kids question it because other kids give them a reason.  I knew my son really didn't believe but he pretended to get the xtra santa present.  Does he question it?  If he does what do you tell him?

  16. Unless he is homeschooled and you live on the top of a mountain, there is NO WAY he doesn't know that Santa is not real!   He is probably just playing along with the yearly myth, because either he doesn't want to disappoint you, or he thinks you KNOW he already knows, and is just kidding.

    If (on that 1 in 100 chance) he really does still believe, please tell him the truth.   He will be teased mercilessly by people in school if he says he still thinks there's a Santa.

  17. Teach him about the "real" Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas.  How he used to drop presents down people's chimneys (he really did!) so that they wouldn't know where they came from and be embarrassed.  How he started the custom of having a Baby Jesus statue in church; how he.... well look up the legends about St. Nicholas, as well as the facts.  If your son really still believes in Santa, at least the truth (and the legends) may seem like something even better than the children's "Santa Claus."

  18. i still think Santa Clause is real and im 16 <__<

  19. Haha, my brother is homeschooled and he still knows that Santa doesn't exist. Honestly some kids at my school just like to be sarcastic and stuff, but if he really believes Santa Claus is real, you should go and take him to buy a christmas present, or let it slowly sink in by letting him see you wrap his gift or something. But really I doubt that he believes in santa claus. ;)

  20. I think that he will need some help because he really doesn't want to grow up and found out his PARENT have been lying to him for all these years and yes you are lying!

  21. YES! You MUST let him know as it will affect him VERY, VERY baldy at 18.

  22. You really need to get him "unsheltered". If he doesn't know that santa isn't real, then he must not have any friends (or even talk to other people) or an internet connection!

  23. Thats what you get with homeschooling and him not mixing with other kids to get some insight.  Much of the learning at school is in the schoolyard, not the classroom.

    Homeschooling protects them but it cuts them off from the world too.

  24. trust me he doesnt believe him hes just afraid to confront you in such an akward situation,.. talk to him about! besides how long could a fantasy last?  does he believe in the tooth fairy too??????????

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