
My son sucks his thumb.I need real tips on how to have him stop.Dentist said he needs thumb guard.Anyone know?

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about this product. He sucks his thumb mostly at night. HELP!




  1. I've seen it. It looks like a mid-evil torture device...really weird. I've heard of people using a sour apple flavored stuff that you paint on the thumb-- but I haven't used it. That might be less embarrassing than walking around with a plastic thumb guard, unless embarrassment is the point. He probably sucks his thumb for comfort, could you talk about it with him and try to find something else comforting to do when he feels like sucking his thumb.

  2. try a rewars system, like stickers, candy, a movie after so many " good" days, a reward system really works.  Focus on the positive, not the negative.  When you see him suck his thumb, gently remind him of the reward.  Make a chart so he can see it, many kids " get it" more with a visual thing.  

  3. The thumb guard is one way to go about stopping your son from his thumb but if you don't want to go through all the drama with that then just give it a little time he will stop on his own.

  4. When I was a kid my parents put that nasty tasting stuff on my thumb and every night I would wait awhile then go to the bathroom and wash it off.  They were convinced that I had stopped sucking my thumb.  

    Then they had a big party to celebrate my no more thumb sucking.  Well I loved that but I was still sucking my thumb.  They were so proud of me I felt bad and finally stopped sucking my thumb.

    I have perfectly straight teeth so it in no way effected that.

    My oldest son is 7 and he sucks his thumb.  I know how it is so I try not to give him to much trouble.  He is getting more aware of it being embarrasing though.  I tell him to stop sucking that thumb!

  5. Yeah it's designed to remove money from your wallet and put it into the dentists pocket.  My brother is a Pediatric Dentist and all of his kids sucked thumbs or fingers and he never had a problem with it.  His kids never had braces either.  The shape of the mouth and setting of the teeth are not determined by sucking on pacifiers, thumbs, fingers or even toes.  It is determined by genetics.  If one wants their children to have perfectly straight, perfectly aligned teeth then they need to look at their s*x partners and their ancestries and pick those who's families all have perfectly straight, aligned teeth.

  6. I would suggest some of the bitter sprays or liquids that you paint on the thumb. Thumb guard may work but it would be a bit awkward.

  7. Pay him to quit!  I'm serious!  That's what my parents did for me.  This was during the summer between first and second grade.  I was mostly down to sucking at night as well.  For every day & night I could keep my thumb out of my mouth, my dad would pay me a dime.  It took many dimes, but they were a nice, shiny incentive and that's what helped me to kick the habit.  This was back in the 70's, so I'm sure the price has gone up a bit!  Still--it's worth a try!  

  8. there is a some sort of "fingernail paint" you can purchase in the nail section that you brush on and it leaves a bitter taste. It is made for things like this. I used it on my son. It is perfectly safe to swallow, but has a horrible may be a little cheaper than a guard.  

  9. How old is your son?? A thumb guard has spikes on it so he can't stick his thumb in his mouth. I am a dental hygienist and I WOULD NOT get one for my kids. Try a band aid or nail polish. GOOD LUCK  

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