
My son thinks he's a kangaroo,what do i do with him?

by  |  earlier

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He hops around all the time with a teddy stuffed down his boxers.It's really embarrasing now.

BTW he's 24




  1. let him be a kangaroo! he's got a good imagination and deserves to use it. you should enjoy the silly things kids do. don't expect him to act like a grown up, he's a kid!!

    when i was about the same age i wanted desperately for my parents to let me change my name to michael jackson. i'm assuming because he was famous and was on tv and they constantly told me no. finally my grandmother told them to just let me say my name was michael jackson, i did for a while and then i went on to some other imaginative thing.

  2. Send him into the military.  I promise when they're done with him he won't think hes no kangaroo!!! lolol

  3. Don't worry Busy Bee

    he could grow up to be a hero

  4. He's only 4 - let him go - he'll get tired of it and stop.

  5. Get him a trampoline and tell him to be careful  so as not to hurt the Joey,

  6. ok i say quit giving him

      LSD, acid, or angel dust!

    that sh*t will fu*k him up!

    ok no more drug baby's ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    now i say take da Teddy and put it on his bed then tell him


    its how things are done in Arkansas and it works

    just spank him next time it happens and eventually he'll learn not to do it!

    don't abuse him just spank him ok

    hope it helps

    and i wish you the best of luck with what you do

  7. Are you serious?? I think its funny. OMG you made my day, I can't stop laughing.   ____ok, I said answered that before I read that you hit the 2 by mistake. Just let him do it. My son used to wear a superman cape ALLL the time when he was that age. Its just healthy imagination.  But I can still picture a 24 year old hopping around. LOL

  8. Sounds like he is a kid at heart.

    Since he is 4 and not 24, just play with him.  Kids love to play and to dress up.   That is just part of being a kid.  Enjoy his toddler years.  You will have more to chuckle about as you relive your memories.

  9. Get over your self

    He will grow out of it

  10. send himm to the zoo

  11. LMAO I think 24 is funnier

    Anyways, its just a phase. He'll get over it. When my little brother was that age(he's almost 7 now), he wore a girls purse all the time(and yes, out in public). You shouldn't be embarrassed about it.

  12. That's so funny.  Don't worry, it is just a phase he will grow out of.  Can't tell ya when it will be though, that's up to him.  Kinda reminds me of when kids crawl around on their hands and knees pretending they are dogs or cats.

  13. hes 24!?!? THAT'S A LITTLE WEIRD. uhm get some help from like a councilor or something

  14. give him to the zoo!

  15. My son is 3 and he engages in the same kind of imaginary play. Let him go with it. You will be encouraging his playful imaginary side and that's great. I love to see kids play like that. It lends itself to a very creative adult. My son pretends he's all sorts of things. Mostly a dog, and I think it's adorable. He doesn't need therapy!!!! And don't be embarrassed about it, it's the most magical time of his life. It made my husband and I smile. And anyone who would question you about it, just ignore them!

  16. Has he ever been diagnosed with mental retardation?

  17. I think hes mental like his mother :)

  18. This is actually very onscure, naturally a child between the ages of 2-8years old would replicate this sort of behaviour as an act of self expression. This is what your son is doing and it is clear he has not grown up. Maybe you need to discuss with him the world of grown ups but make sure he knows its not all fun and games. It sounds like he doesnt want to grow up.

  19. Bend him over your knee and spank his bottom.  That boy needs to learn.

  20. My daughter used to tell everyone that I cut her with a knife when anyone asked her about any scram that she had!!!

    They do grow out of these little things so don't worry. It's all part of growing up.

    He's not harming anyone :)

  21. Tie that kangaroo down mate, tie that kangaroo down !! !!

  22. Don't worry, it's probably just a phase and will pass. If you get really annoyed you can say "Hello Mr Kangaroo, have you seen (say his name, I'll call him Mike for now) anywhere? I really can't seem to find him." Turn it into a bit of a game, don't get cranky. Keep on asking where Mike is. Then you could say "Mr Kangaroo, I've got this chocolate bar for Mike, if only I could find him" If he asks for it say, "No, you're a kangaroo, they aren't allowed chocolate. This is specially for him". Hopefully he'll get the idea and snap out of it.

  23. maybe you can get therapy. it could help the way he acts and thinks. or just try and convince him he isnt. take away something he really likes until he stops acting like that. and you can keep taking stuff away if it continues. and if he stops maybe you can give him new things. that can help. :)

  24. Give him a one-way ticket to Australia

  25. Its just a phase........

  26. Rope him and throw him to the ground and tell him if he wants to be a wild animal he will have to accept being treated like one. If that fails have him committed to a mental health institution. Well, your error in his age puts a totally new perspective on things. I say you simply wait and see if he tires himself of it. If he still does it after a few more months you need to use disciplinary measures and take the teddy away and hide it and give him time out when he acts up in such a manner. Beyond that I suggest professional assistance from a psychologist.

  27. Try Rehab

  28. omg let him be his kangaroo, when i was his age i pretended i was a hedgehog (i no tottally random) and when i asked my mum to be a hedgehog with me and she said no, i threatened to run away (but i never did) and after all tht i was watching t.v like nothing had happened. btw my mum told me all these weerd storys, ssooo i surgest you leave him to it it a phase!

  29. Send him to Australia ?

  30. if he keeps doing this for weeks on, you should go to a children's doctor, he'll know wether you need to see a psychiatrist (spelling?). maybe he'll stop doing it by himself sometime soon :)

    but to help him, do take the teddy out, hide it if he wants it back so that he gets over it

    good luck!

  31. Make him into a tin of kangaroo soup.  It really exists, I've tried it.

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