
My son wanted a dog so bad. We eventually got a dog, and now he is mean to her, and sometimes is aggressive?

by  |  earlier

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He is an observer, not really one to be really involved in pets. Likes the idea of pets, doesn't want to pet or take care of them. Gets very irritated when playing baseball or football, and the dog intercepts the ball. That is generally when he gets aggressive and mean to the dog. Very bright, generally understands the consequences of his actions. This type of behavior has happened more than once, what are decent consequences for a 9 year old 3rd grader?




  1. Tell him you are finding the dog, see if that changes anything. If not give her away. Then if he starts being nice to her just keep her.

  2. you need to teach him to interact kindly with animals before you can expect him to do well with humans, because if he cant be good to animals theres very little chance he will ever do well around other people. instead of just getting rid of the dog immediately, assuming its a tolerant dog and does very well with your son and theres no danger of it biting him, take this opportunity to teach your son to respect and be kind to things smaller or weaker then he is.  but whatever you do   dont let it get to the point that he hurts the dog.

  3. tell him if he can't control him self the dog will have to go.  to control himself he should just keep his mouth shut and stop moving when he gets upset.  good luck

  4. What a little ****..Yes he should be punished, being mean to animals is bad..

    They say people who are cruel to animals turn out to be killers..

  5. time out for him when he mean to the dog. tell him why we don't hurt dogs because this might happen. I would say if you continue hurting the the dog then we will give to give the dog to another family. And we never get a dog again.

  6. u need 2 whip that child's behind... not abuse him.. but say why u keep abusing the animals... i would also have a therapist talk to him..... because that is not normal

  7. get poor puppy a new home.tell him he cant be nice to her then he cant have her.

  8. maybe hes getting bored with it

  9. I would show him what it feels like to hit a dog and give him a spanking. That is what he is asking for!

  10. Make hime comb, feed, and take care of the dog and when ever he is mean to the dog take something that he likes away from him for a week.

  11. perhaps you should find the dog a new home

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