
My son wants me to tickle him for his birthday present. Should I?

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My son has recently asked me to tickle him for his birthday present. Not just tickle him, but to roll him up tightly in a carpet or blanket and tickle his feet. He says he really wants to know what its like to be tickled nonstop without being able to stop it. I know that he is extremely ticklish. He said he asked me because he trusts that I can and will tickle him intensely, and that I am probably the best tickler he knows of, which I guess is a compliment, right? I think he wants me to did it because he trusts me, which I suppose is important with a request like this.

When he was younger I used to tickle him. It sounds intriguing to tickle someone if they are like that, and I do enjoy tickling in general, and will probably get a kick out of it.

He just wants plain simple tickling, for a long period of time, nothing more. What should I do?




  1. Well how old is your son? If I were you, I might do it, but I would also buy him an item as a birthday present.

  2. You didn't say how old your son is. It sounds like he has a fetish. If that is the case I would say don't do it. If it is a harmless issue why would you want to know what other people think. Personally I wouldn't do it.  

  3. lol yea i guess......its fun for him and cheap for u

  4. Ummmmmmmmmmm this *doesn't* sound healthy ....... but ....

    But who knows ... I would guess it would more depend on how he asked if he was 'fun' about it or he was shy or embarrassed .......

    It's very easily part of a fetish he has, one you as a parent, or family member should *NOT* be taking part in (if it's a fetish)

    I guess it's not that bad ... I looked at your ID and your a GUY right ??

    So that makes fetish less likely ......

  5. Sure, Pop, go for it, and give him

    a thorough tickling he will remember!

    My sons still love for me to tickle them,

    as I have done since they were little,

    (ages now 24, 22, 18). And they also

    love to tickle me silly, because I am

    very ticklish but enjoy the laughter. I'm

    glad for you that your boy wants to share

    this with you because tickling has to do

    with intimacy, (although not always sexual)

    and you and he can keep your relationship

    close and satisfying. The only physical

    contact I had with my own father was when

    he beat me, so I wanted to make sure my

    boys remember me for love and laughter.

    An added benefit of tickling is it's a great

    stress-reducer. If the person is very ticklish

    the forced laughter produces endorphins

    just like strenuous exercise, and it has

    lots of healthy effects on our body and mind.

    Good luck, (and maybe he will want to

    tickle you back!)

    Oh, I never roll my boys up in a blanket.

    If he gets laughing really hard he could

    suffocate in there. If he has to be restrained,

    tie him comfortably to the bed and

    get him good!

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