
My son wants to be homeschooled, will this affect his credits. Or is it too late in the year to take him out.?

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He is in highschool.




  1. If this is what your son wants, go for it. Just make sure that you have enough time on our hands to handle this. I am in my senior year of high school, and just started homeschooling this year. We decided to start this because I had an appendectomy and there was no way to catch up, plus I have always wanted to!

    Colleges look very highly at home schooled kids, I have gotten into every college that I have applied to!

    Best of luck, let me know how things turn out!

  2. You can begin homeschooling at any time.  Credit is only a concern if you plan on sending him back to traditional school, and then it all depends on the school or local regulations.

    I highly recommend you both read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  

    BTW, as far as college, homeschooling looks very good on an application.  

    Good luck :D

  3. It all depends.  Do you plan to put him back into public school before graduation?  If so, yes, it could affect his credits.  If he plans to homeschool through high school, then no it won't.

    In homeschooling, you (or you and your son) determine the coursework and the requirements for credits.  Therefore, you assign the credits, so you can assign them based on the work that he has already put in.  Essentially, you can put in the remaining days for whatever the minimum is in your state (each state's laws are different), and call it good for the year.  Just assign credits based on a combination of his work this year and whatever he does at home.  Then, when he's ready to start his next grade (whether right away or after a break), just start right in.

    Hope that helps :)  If you have any questions regarding requirements in your state, choosing curriculum, keeping records, etc, let us know and we'll be glad to help.

  4. Homeschooling can effect his credits if you plan on putting him back into a public or private school later on. They may require that he take a placement test in order to get credit for the work he does at home.

    However, if you plan on home schooling until he graduates than there should be no problem. Most colleges, universities, and employers will accept a home school diploma and transcripts created and issued by a parent. Many universities including some of the ivy leagues actively seek out homeschool graduates.

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