
My son wants to join the <span title="BNP......................?">BNP.........................</span>

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My son is 16 and wants to join the BNP. I disapprove but wont tell him no. Is there anything i could say to discourage him from doing so? I have tried telling him they are a racist party but he still wants to do it.




  1. This unfortunately appears to be for a great many of our young people today the only real credible choice left open to them.

    Unless the three main parties start to listen to what many people are actually saying and not what they think they are saying, I can only see parties like the BNP gaining more support

    This New Labour government over the last ten or eleven years have played rough-shod with many peoples lives, and by allowing mass immigration with no regard as to how it will effect ordinary working class people on the ground, they are in my view playing a very dangerous game.

    Once a party like the BNP gain a foothold in a area it can be very difficult if not impossible to remove them, and Labour are the party that seems to suffer the most in lost votes and support.

  2. Does he have any non-white friends?

    Could he ask them what they think? Perhaps a black or Asian friend could accompany him to a BNP meeting, and he can make up his own mind based on how his friend is &#039;welcomed&#039;?

  3. There is absolutely no reason for you to try to prevent your son joining the BNP. The BNP is the most progressive political party in the UK, most of those who argue against the BNP are New Labour supporters who can see the tide turning against them.

    Would you rather your son supports a fraud ridden bunch of hypocrites that make up any of the mainstream parties. The BNP is the only political party to speak out against fraud and say &#039;&#039;We will get rid of fraud at all government levels&#039;&#039;.

    At the moment we are paying £3000 in resettlement fees to immigrants that want to go home. The immigrant gets off the plane and returns here and can claim another resettlement fee for as many times as they want. The BNP say there will only be one resettlement payment and if the immigrant returns he/she will have to pay their own fare home, in other words the resettlement fee means what it says. That makes sense.

    The BNP are referred to as the Listening party, Why? because that&#039;s what they do. Your son has made a wise choice, follow in his foot steps?

    ATB Red

  4. just explain what they stand for and what they do, then let him make his decision  

  5. you must educate him the BBC way,show him the error of his ways.

    these are the crucial points :

    all muslims are lovely.

    immigrants can do no wrong


    non white=good

    patriotism is evil

    all brits are racists

    that&#039;s the crucial word...RACIST

    use it just once and you&#039;ll close the argument down for good having successfully demonized your opponent.

  6. Good luck to him, go onto their website and look at their policies before you condemn him!!  BNP are for English people in England, why wouldn&#039;t he want to join them.  Labour and conservative have messed this country up, maybe we should all give the BNP a chance!!

  7. take him here

    if he still wants to join the BNP, disown him

  8. Tell him that they are controlled by the very people who are behind mass immigration and enforced multiculturalism. All movements are infiltrated by the spooks and NWO agents  including UKIP and the BNP- even the IRA was .

    Tell him to research 9/11, 7/7 etc

  9. The BNP.... so he&#039;s not interested in ever being a real politician then, as he&#039;s got diddly chance of ever getting elected to anything.

    Beats me why having no black or Asian people around would make you want join the BNP. There were none around while I was growing up and to this day there isn&#039;t anyone other than white Northern European faces around the area. It&#039;s not that they wouldn&#039;t be welcomed. It&#039;s that it&#039;s in the middle of nowhere and practically no one lives there.

    But the point is I&#039;m not a racist because there weren&#039;t any other races around; quite the opposite. I take everyone at face value until they prove they deserve respect or otherwise. That applies to race, religion and nationality. Some of the best blokes I&#039;ve ever met have been distinctly not white.

    I&#039;d wonder who&#039;s been talking to him myself. Pretty sure he didn&#039;t come up with the idea on his own.

    Sorry I can&#039;t really offer any particularly helpful advice. All I&#039;d suggest is that you try shifting him to join a more, err, reasonable party by pointing out that once you are in you can put your own views forward within that party.

    Good luck, Wullie.

    Redmonk... who, aside from yourself, has EVER called the BNP the &#039;listening party?&#039; Don&#039;t talk cobblers. I&#039;ll never agree with your politics, but at least you&#039;re normally consistent.

  10. give the boy a slap and threaten to adopt a muslim orphan.

    and on the BNP, they are pointless now, with the SNP all but gaining control in scotland.

  11. First of all, the bnp isnt a racist party,

    they are just wanting to clamp down more on immigration,

    just like labour are doing. They just have that as a main advertising policy,

    and where do you live? :S

    most towns have more then 5% of a foriegn population.

    and if you can count the number of asian people on your hand then maybe thats the reason he doesnt have which are his friends?  

    Maybe you should go to a bnp meeting, just dont dissmay it because of what you hear on the news.

  12. Maybe educate him about the holocaust and what can happen when a racist government is in power.

    You should encourage him to look at other 3rd parties to see if he can find any shared values with them instead.

    Explain that all the worlds population originated from Africa.

  13. your son is a smart fellow, you could do with taking a lesson out of his book

  14. I disapprove of the lad&#039;s choice, but I admire him for taking an interest in politics, something which many young people don&#039;t.

    Find out as much as you can about the party and ask your son to gain info from other parties too to make an informed choice.

    I&#039;d be interested to know WHY he wants to join. Is he pro England (nothing wrong with that) or is he anti &quot;foreigners which is not a good reason.

    I thin you are also to be commended as a father for asking for help.

    Good Luck

  15. Ask him what made him want

    Ask what will he plan to Achieve?

    After listening to him Show him the bad side of joining the group.

  16. The boy wants to stick up for his people, good for him. The multicultural failure and mass immigration hits teenagers the hardest. They&#039;re the most likely to be victims of violence and intimidation and he&#039;s going to have to spend his entire working life competing a globalised economy. Thank god he wants to put right the mistakes of previous generations.

    All the rubbish Ive heard about them being n**i&#039;s and genoiligy is simply not true. Go along to a meeting with him, you might learn something.

  17. Lock him in his room till he comes to his senses !

  18. Get your family tree mapped. You&#039;d be surprised how often that one of your recent ancestors was an immigrant. Then point him to the part of the BNP manifesto that wishes to boot out immigrants and their descendants.

  19. good for him

  20. Well your question has got to be a plus for the BNP they just can&#039;t wait for a chance to try an look respectable,  and pretend they care what happens to this county,  They deny the Holocaust happened the deny that they put swastikas on grave stones in Jewish cemeteries the only policy they have for the UK is get rid of all other none white nationalities yet the deny they are n***s.  They are a party that breed hatred.  They know what to say to the uneducated yobs,and play on peoples insecurities, usually they recruit in areas that a depressed and there is high unemployment, telling the people their job are taken, when most of them wouldn&#039;t work anyway but resent any one thatb does.  Come on boys give me your thumbs down.

    Our government has made a lot of mistakes and there is not much to choose between any party but not the BNP.  I can understand your concern    

  21. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and the BNP is a legitimate political party no matter what you think of them. Young people are very frustrated with the way this country is heading and I can see his point. Let him attend the meetings and see what he thinks.  

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