
My son was borrn in spain, Iam English and the child was registered at birth in spain as spanish can he still?

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apply for a british passport. He is four years old and at this moment holds a spanish pasport.




  1. yes. dual nationality is much more common than people realise

  2. Yes, as long as you were a British citizen at the time of his birth.

  3. We did exactly the same with our 3 year old,We had to register his birth with the British Embassy in Madrid, they in-turn issued a British Birth Cert.Then we applied as normal.

    He still has his Spanish Birth Cert.He is also entitled to a Spanish Identity Card (NIE) which he can use for travel within Europe, Instead of a Passport.

  4. Read the leaflet in the link - you can apply for him to be a UK citizen .  His own cjhildren will also have the right to be UK citizens as well.

  5. According to the British Nationality Act 1981 mothers as well as fathers are allowed to pass on British citizenship to their children.

    Check out point 7 in the link.

    The second link goes into more detail

  6. yes your son may become an UK citizen,

    7. Will a child who is born on or after 1 January 1983 outside the United Kingdom be a British citizen?

    The child's nationality will normally depend on a parent's status.  The term "parent" is explained in Note 4.

    The child will be a British citizen if:

    # (a) one of the parents is a British citizen otherwise than by descent, for example by birth, adoption, registration or naturalisation, and the child was born:#

    outside the United Kingdom before 21 May 2002, or

    outside the United Kingdom and the qualifying territories (see Note 3) on or after 21 May 2002; or

    (b) the child is a British overseas territories citizen and was born in a qualifying territory (see Note 3) before 21 May 2002; or

    (f) one of the parents is a British citizen who:

    If you are still in Spain? contact the UK embassy

    British Embassy in Madrid, Spain    

    British Embassy in Madrid, Spain      

    C/ Fernando el Santo, 16

    28010 Madrid


    City: Madrid

    Phone: 91 700 82 00

    91 319 02 00

    Fax: 91 700 82 72

    Web Site:


    Office Hours: Monday- Friday: 09.00  13.30

    15.00  18.00

  7. you should apply for duel nationality...I've not done that yet...I'm British is my chidrens dad is Spanish.

  8. Yes

  9. He can have dual nationality. Since your the mother and your british  then he can too. Good Luck!

  10. Yeah he can as your british.

    He can get both if i'm correct

  11. Yes , he should be entitled to dual nationality.

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