
My son was killed 6 years ago and the man who did it got 75 to life , how can I meet and talk to him in prison

by  |  earlier

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I know there is a way to see a inmate, and talk to him I saw it on t.v. and I would like to do the same. I need to have xlosure and I need to tell this young man that I forgive him. Can anybody help me? Do anyone know how I would start this process?




  1. i believe that the ppl who get rlly serious sentences get like only 2 visits a year, so it would be kind of hard if hes already had 2. but, if not then i think u can jus call and tell them u want 2 visit him.

    p.s. u r a very forgiving person and i think the world could learn from ppl like u. living in the united states, i c lots of ppl in power trying 2 get revenge.

  2. well first of all i would like to say im so sorry  too you and your family loseing a child  by a murder is a nightmare.. i know a mother who lost her4 year old too a murderer she was being watched by the grandma ..her and her 6 year old little sister.. they was in a fenced yard playing while grandma made them lunch.... a man came and asked them there names they told him and he grabbed the 4 year old  from over the fence... and ran the 6 year old ran in the house to tell her grandma when they got out there he was gone....2 days later then found her in the basement of an abanded house dead... he raped and killed her the police man said he never saw anything  like it his whole time being a policemen... her body was broke in half he raped her till she broke... i know one thing the mom could never ever forgive this man for what he done too  her poor little girl ...i see in the paper now where hes tryen to get out of what he done ...saying his rights were not read to him and how he was mistreated by the police... i dont think i could ever forgive someone who can kill something of mine... its a great thing to have forgivness but i guess i just dont have it in me for monsters ... the reason i call them monsters cause there not animals... animals have much better sense good luck i hope you get what your looking for and god bless you and yours..........

  3. Whoa....You are truly an unusual person.  My condolences for your terrible loss.  

    You can always visit prisoners.  Call the facility for visiting hours and go.  You might write him a letter there for openers...he may not be ready to see you.


    Bless you....

  4. you must write a letter to the prison authorities requesting his permission to visit him for a chat.if he agrees to talk to you, they  will issue  a visitors pass.

  5. First of all, I send my condolences to you and to your family for this terrible tragedy.

    You didn't mention where you live. You know, if you are American and live in America, there are plenty of ways to do so. One is by doing it through your own attorney or those prosecuted him. There are papers to fill out. You can even write to the judge who sent him to prison.

    By the way, was the killing an accident. Is that why you wanna forgive the killer?

  6. That was a terrible thing that happend to you,and it is so great of you that you have forgive this person(i wouldnt..even if that makes me a bad person).

    You should call the office of the jail he is in,im sure they would allow you to see him.

  7. you will need to contact the prison and get a "vistors pass" ...then once that is issued, you should be able to see him .....if he wants to see you

  8. Why do you want to torture yourself by meeting your son's killer? Why do you want to desecrate your son's memory by forgiving his killer?

    If I would catch my fathers killer, he would cry for the hangman to finish him quickly.

  9. im sorry for your loss. but you have a greater heart than most in your situation. i hope you get the answers you want. but id talk to the prison where the prisoner is at. god bless you!

  10. Wow i am sorry for your loss you should call the prison he is in and ask about that they can tell you more then us.  But you should know he has the right to deny your visitation.

  11. you can request a visit but it doesnt mean you will get one.. he has the right to refuse to see you unfortunately.. I'm glad you can overcome this , I dont think I would be able to in your situation

  12. wow, I give you a lot of credit. good luck

    Sorry, I don't have an answer.

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