
My son who is 13 years old got an 18 year old pregnant what do I do??

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I spoke to the police we have to wait until shes 16 weeks to have dna testing done to prove its my sons and the police to get involved!! But if she has an abortion we cant prove nothing and she gets away free!! I dont want to ruin my sons life or a childs but I think she should pay and not sure what else to do!!!!




  1. it sounds like you are angry about this but what do you mean 'she gets away free' did your son consent to having s*x with this girl? it sounds as though he has in which case you should not be blaming this girl but your son as well. s*x takes two people. i understand you must be very upset but maybe you should sit down with your son and this girl and talk about it and be an adult. try not to let your emotions show and just make sure your son and the girl now what ALL the options are for them and DO NOT try and force them into a decision.

    use your knowledge and wisdom to advise them and help them get through this, they are both probably freaking out even more than you are right now.

    My best friend is 18 and one of the best mothers that i know. she is extremely capable of providing love and care for her child.

    your son, however is a lot younger and you need to talk to him more about it. he is young, but he was old enough to make the decision to ahve s*x so he needs to know the consequences of not using protection and so does ther girl.

    good luck and i hope everything turns out okay.

  2. well in my point of view...

    she didnt force ur kid to go out and have s*x with her.

    change the roll....

    what if the girl was 13 and the guy was 18...

    she would be called a s**t and it was her fault

    and so on.

    it take two to make a baby hun

  3. Wow, what a shock!!!

    I feel for you, you poor woman! I couldnt imagine!

    My point of veiw is;

    Your son is 13, depending on how mature he is for his age im sure he may have given consent to being sexually active with this girl. BUT , the fact is, that it is statutory rape, yes she can be charged, yes she can face jail time also.

    Make sure you find out the DNA test results before you go ahead and make a decision.

    I would be FURIOUS!!! But think about if that could be your grandchild in there, and what if it really IS!

    As hard as it could be knowing that your young son may be having a young one himself, it is all a life lesson - DO not think that his life will be ruined by this. There are loop holes and ways of doing anything. Its something he will have to live with and deal with if this is his baby LET HIM LEARN FROM IT!!! Your major lifes lessons are all learnt in teenage years.

    As wrong as it is, you have to think of off the possibilities.

    Are they in love?

    How long have they been going out?

    Was it a one-time thing?

    Was it consented by your son?

    Was it rape?

    What is the girls reputation like?

    Talk to her parents about it so you can get some sort of evidence and find out what she is all about.

    And if the DNA results do come back postive for your son........

    Just remember that is your grandchild in there... they do not choose their parents, the parents choose them.

  4. Well are they inlove? If they are and you belive it, u need to talk to the girl and ask her what she plans on doing about it. If you hate her and she is a *****, u can call the cops on her for sexual intercourse with a minor.

  5. I truly think you shouldnt worry too much about her, but instead your son.

    He had to be a part of it(as you know) it is somewhat his fault.

    But I'm not telling you how to raise your kid.

  6. i would wait until the baby is ready to have a DNA test then u can  punish him. (if its his)

  7. holy ****

    they start pimpin young these days.

    and i thought i was a mack daddy pimp lol

    dont call the cops, thats a ***** move. it was his decision to have s*x

  8. lmao wow :P is ur son that hot? ;) ahah :P

  9. why did he sleep with heR?

  10. Your 13 year old son? and where were youu..?


    Well, all I say is wait for sure to see it's your sons baby..

  11. I would look for other proof.   They don't necessarily need proof that the baby is his, they need proof that an 18 year old was raping your 13 year old.   Which is exactly what was happening.   They should be doing an investigation into the relationship and the DNA would be icing on the cake.   Try and find email messages, phone messages, im messages etc. that could link the two of them sexually.   Insist that the police do a full investigation.   And get justice that way.  Just remember that this 18 year old wasn't innocent.   She raped your son.  Don't feel sorry for her.

  12. yo that beeach must be pretty ungly

  13. omg dat girl must be crazzy messing with a 13 year old she should be arrested???!!!!!!

  14. It's called statutory RAPE, and she should be arrested and charged with that, never mind about the baby. She is an adult and he is a child. He is not of th age of consent either, usually that's 16. If it were my son, I would want her locked up for a looooong time!

  15. theres not really much you can do except support your son and wait for the dna test to be done. and when it comes back if it is his i would press charges. i have a son myself and would s**t if my son got a girl pregnant. and definately if she was older and he was a minor.good luck.

  16. Let the girl get comfortable, let her think that you are fine with this situation. Encourage her to have her baby, then when it is born do a DNA test, when it is proven that your son is the father have her arrested for rape and take custody of the child.

  17. Yes I agree with you! Women have fought for Equal Rights and in my opinion, THAT SHOULD ALSO GO FOR BEING PUNISHED WHEN A WRONG IS DONE!  The 'main' thing here is SHE was the adult there. She should have said no! I don't know about where you live but here people will 'rally' around an abortion clinic. Abortion is MURDER!    If you are 100% sure she "had relations" with your son, Don't wait 16 weeks! Hire a good lawyer, take her to court, and make sure she is tried! If you can prove that she even had relations with a minor, that's prison in itself! If it was the other way around, I guarantee you, HER mother would be taking YOUR son to court! Women wanted Equal Rights--"Give it in Spades!"  If you don't. she MAY "slip through the 'cracks' in the 'system'" I hope justice is done! They'res too many babies dieing each yearfrom being MURDERED! If you let this one get killed , "IT COULD BE YOUR OWN GRANDCHILD GETTING MURDERED! PLeaseeee Stop the Killing of the Innocents! Could YOU live with THAT? I know I couldn't! As I look back on MY younger years, I remember boys thought it made them look "Cool" to have an adult want to have s*x with them. Granted, your son was wrong for gettin involved BUT--Remember who the "Adult" here is!

  18. Actually they can take the DNA from the fetus if she has an abortion so they can still prove their case.

  19. To be honest, if she ended up ending the pregnancy you'd be better off even though you wouldn't have the DNA proof. Because if it did come back to be his, and depending on how the state would handle it, he would probably be held responsible and be made to pay some sort of child support. Of course, no thirteen year old could really do that. So they might hold it against him and garnish his wages as an adult.

  20. wow she most be tralior trash.

  21. nasty

  22. its not just that girls fault you must know that. it takes two to have s*x. and the way it sounds he didnt get raped. So she is pregnant and its your 13 year old son's. The only thing he is going to do is learn how to grow the **** up fast and get a job to pay for his mistake. Remember boys lie about their age too just as well as females. Hun it goes both ways

  23. Unless your son was raped, I don't think it's right to get the police involved. I mean, at the age of 13, your son knew that having s*x could result in pregnancy. True, the girl was stupid for sleeping with a 13 year old, but she didn't get herself pregnant. Just get ready to be a grandmother.

  24. i REALLY wanna know HOW IN THE h**l did that happen? no 18 year old is gonna hook up with someone that could be her little brother. atleast i would hope some. someone made some bad decisions!!

  25. well what was your son doing sleeping with an 18 year old girl?

    im sorry thats ridiculous.

  26. o my goodness... that's nuts.. my prayers are with you.. i hope you get the justice you deserve cuz i know i would b doin the same thing if my son were in the same situation.... but its hard to say cuz theres really not much you can do if she decides to go thru wit an abortion.. but has she mentioned bout getn the abortion?? mayb if your son still talks to her he can convince her to keep the baby if she mentions aborting..then after shes far enough along then you can try to hurry and tak action b4 anythin would hapn so you can find out if its his and hav the police deal wit the situation if it is his baby..

  27. Holy c**p how did that happen, the girl must of been one big hookie.?

    Your son should pay too, he had s*x too not just the girl, the son should take responsibility for his actions.

  28. umm... ground him and not trust him

  29. I doubt its his.

    Get the police involved now!!!  

    She just wants to bring his life down just like she did.

  30. And I am the one asking why my 13 yr old doesnt want to have friends, a girlfriend has never even entered the equation...

    But I think you are partly to blame, at what point was he out with an 18 yr old, did you know he was?

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