
My son who is nine still wets his bed. Why?

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My son who is nine and a half, still wets his bed at night, but not all of the time. We've tried a lot of things, such as limiting his fluid intake in the evening, making sure he uses the bathroom before bedtime. I've even woken him up and had him go to the bathroom. Any suggestions? Thanks for your answers.




  1. We didnt start potty training out son until about 2 1/2 and by 3 he was done. But every child is different. At your son's age I would take him to the Dr to make sure everything is ok.

  2. the same thing happened to me when i was younger.  And it stopped completely when i was around 11...dont worry, nothing is wrong with him, its normal

  3. Some kids bladders don't grow as fast as the rest of them, I would used a good night  (big kids pull up)  and  put a water proof matteress pad on his bed (the kind that you can't tell its water proof) just to keep him from having a terrible night or ruining the mattress. in the mean time, he will out grow this eventually, the limiting beverages after say seven and going to the bathroom before bed are all helpful. when he gets older he won't sleep so hard.

  4. hey it is his body I DIDN"T STOP WETTING MY BED TIL I WAS TEN!!!

  5. Some kids do that.  My younger brother did.  It's probably more common than we know--bet there's one in almost every family!  You're doing fine with your son.  Just know that he will outgrow it! :)

  6. My daughter was five and regressed into that after being potty trained, bed wetting and diaper free for quite a long time.  I looked into changes in our lives, problems she may have been dealing with.  I did not get mad at her. I think that is very important. (I was made to sleep in the bath tub and tied to the toilet for the same problem as a child and it is NOT a good idea and does NOT help) talk to your child. ask questions about friends, personal life and happiness. Also VERY IMPORTANT is LISTEN TO HIS ANSWERS without questioning his thoughts or feelings. Very important to not degrade him. Very carefully and careingly talk to him about wetting the bed. Explain the negative consequences of what is happening.(i.e. hard to stay at friends house. hard to have friends over. smelly room and bed.) Have him help you in coming up with a solution. Once you remedy this problem together perhaps you could get him a new bed. a reward.One big thing that may help is that you get up at a certain time every night, set the alarm if you must and stick to this, it won't take long. get up every night and take him to go potty whether he says he needs to or not. sooner than you think he will be getting up on his own. encouragement and positive reinforcement!! that's the key.  Children are prone to being afraid of the dark. Perhaps hes afraid to ge up and go.   talk these things out with him and LISTEN to him.  Good Luck!

  7. give him time to out grow it

    if it still goes on till his 10 or 11

    have him checked

  8. discuss enuresis with the urologist.

  9. Have you looked into bedwetting alarms?   Here's a link.   They're sold at medical supply stores too.    They're a bit expensive though.   About $70.  Check your telephone book (Yellow Pages) for medical supplies or medical equipment if you don't want to buy online.

  10. I was recently reading something that indicated that research finds that children who still wet the bed after age 5 have different sleep patterns than children who don't.  Conditioning training seems to be somewhat effective.  My original source was Dr. Sears "Nighttime Parenting", but it is fairly out of date (1980s).  Check for that book at a used bookstore or at your library and follow up for some of the more current stuff.

  11. Get him checked by a doctor to make sure it's not physical.  If it's not...he WILL outgrow's not that uncommon.

  12. Probably because you missed potty training him when he was 1 and did it when he was 3 and he didn't quite get the idea and now he can't feel his body functions because you missed pointing him that when he was at appropriate age to learn it.

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