
My son will not sleep in his bed.?

by  |  earlier

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I have asked this question befor and most of all the answers I have tried. The problem is there is no consistaancy he sleeps over my house on weekends and during the week a few nights then goes to his dads and his dad messes all I do up.




  1. if you have an extra room give it to him and have him sleep in it but it got to look fun

  2. Give him a teddy bear to sleep with in his own bed. and tell him the teddy bear will protect him.

  3. Is he so old that sleeping with you is a big problem? How about just putting a rollaway bed in your room for him or a twin mattress that you can slide under your bed when not in use. If he is still wanting to be with you, then there is a reason. He is afraid, or he is just wanting to be as close to you as he can be and seeing how you dont have him all the time I dont think that is such a bad thing. I dont know how old he is but I would say, that making him a bed in your room owuld be fine for a young child maybe no older then 12 or 13, at that age you should be able to conversate with them really well and it should be easier to help him understand why he should be in his own room.

  4. He is probably afraid that you are going to leave him since he goes someplace else to sleep a couple of nights a week.  This is his way of assuring himself that you are still there.  Let him fall asleep with you and then put him in his bed.  Try and reassure him during the day that you will be there and aren't going to leave him.  But if he goes to daycare (you didn't state, I'm assuming, sounds like you are a single mom) and then someplace at night, small children don't know for sure and have no sense of time.

  5. tell him that big boys  sleep in their bed and if he wants to be a big boy then he has to sleep in his bed....or tell him if he bes a big boy he can have a candy bar or a treat i hope this helps:)

  6. The pattern is no excuse - so long as at YOUR house he always sleeps in his own bed.

    Persistence.... thats all you can do.

    I have 5 kids.

  7. why don't you and your son decorate his room, get him new bed sheets and make it all exciting.  Also have a reward chart so when he has slept in his own bed all night he gets a sticker and at the end of the week if he has all his stickers he gets a reward, which you can decide with him

  8. Sounds like your problem is with his dad, some how the two of you need to talk about how important it is for you to have your privacy at bed time and that it is not healthy to continue letting your son sleep in bed with mom and dad. the older you son get the harder it will be to break this habit. Tell your son that you love him, put him to bed and let him know that you don't want to see him till morning. Does he have his own bed at his dad's? If not then he need to get one if his dad's place is not big enough then maybe he should not sleep at his dad'd till his dad can get him his oun bed. I take it dad does not have a woman because if there is one ther that is not good at all. Good luck with this matter!

  9. Talk to his father! Be firm and strong with him. Don't allow him to go over your head with this situation. Repeat often to him that you are a team and you have to work together if you wish to be successful parents. I had the same trouble, but try to make a strong case. Your son will feel much better in the morning about sleeping by himself if both his parents participate in praising him and rewarding him for being a big boy and so will you.

    Good luck!!

  10. I would just let him know that when at your house your rules must apply.. even though daddy doesn't make him sleep in his bed doesn't mean he doesn't have to at your house... let him decorate his room the way he wants and that might intise him a little bit to want to be in his room more!

  11. I've had this issue myself.  Finally, after 2 1/2 years of never sleeping through the night, I got mad.  Basically if you are unpleasant when your child tries to get into your bed he will lose the desire to keep trying to sleep with you.

  12. oh no! its the buggie man! evaquate the house as soon as possible!!

  13. His asked her problam & Tainson  not sleep in his bed.

  14. I think that you have to make your house your house and ignore what your husband does at his.  After a while, your son will learn that you have certain boundaries and his father has different boundaries.  It is confusing, but at least he has a clear line because he's moving between houses.  Good luck!

  15. Tell him that when he is over at your house he MUST sleep in his own bed and when he goes to his dads he can sleep where ever the dad lets him. I hope this helped.


  16. tell him if he doesn't a monster will come

  17. you should have a sit down talk with the father, if he don't listen, then when you have your child let him know that at Mommy's house you are the big boy and you need to sleep in your own room, at hobby lobby they have an moon that shows the different stages and they have glow in the dark stars, let him pick what he gets to put on the walls . as for consistency that will never happen because one parents will want to do things there way and not care about the consequences because they don't have to deal with it because its not there weekend. as long as you are sticking to what you say the child will know which parent to depend on and that will be you.

  18. well you cant control what his dad does but you can make sure that when he is with you he has the same routine EVERY night bath, dinner, story, bed..whatever order works for you just stick to it and eventually your son will get used to it...persistence is the key (as hard as it is!)

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