
My son won't stay in his toddler bed ?

by Guest56200  |  earlier

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My husband and I transitioned our son from a crib to a toddler bed, but he won't stay in it. He climbs out and cries to come into bed with us. We put him back to bed about 30 times last night until finally allowing him to come to our bed. What can we do?




  1. Let him know he is a big boy now and he has to sleep in his big boy bed and if  won't sleep in his big boy bed, he will have to sleep back in the baby bed.

  2. Put a gate at his door so he doesn't roam the house and let him cry it out. If he falls asleep on the floor, he falls asleep on the floor. Eventually, he'll learn that he won't be allowed out of his room and he'll get into the bed. He's now learned that if he gets up enough and cries enough, you'll just give him what he wants. I'm not really sure why he even knows he CAN sleep in your bed. I'd leave him to his own devices in his child proofed room so he's set before baby comes.

  3. Its only been 1 night. Just stay calm, patient and consistent, he'll get the picture! Make sure he has a routine thats always helpful.

  4. Gate his door or the hallway if you can, we did that with our son.  He cried at the door, but we just went in over the gate and put him back in bed and talked to him about being a big boy "like Daddy" and how cool the big boy bed was and such.  It took a few nights, but he got the hang of it.  Maybe take him and have him pick out a new blanket to use on the bed, something he chooses himself.  It might help.  Good luck!

  5. If it is important to you that he stay in his bed rather than yours, then you cannot give in to him - this just tells him that if he is persistent he will get what he wants.  You need to dedicate a night (or five) to calmly leading back to his bed with a minimum of interaction.  Don't make eye contact, don't smile, don't talk, just take his hand or pick him up and get him back in bed.  It is really hard the first night or two, but eventually you want him to get the idea that there is nothing else he can do at this time - it is inevitable.

    Both of my daughters I would have to sit in their room, usually reading, and ignore everything they did unless they got out of their bed, then I would put them back in.  Don't worry if they scream, cry, sing, or talk, or play with their lovey.  The point is they are in their bed, and they will eventually get bored enough to fall asleep.  After a few nights, they (hopefully) won't try so hard to avoid the inevitable.

    Good luck, and good patience!

  6. Did he go to sleep good in his crib? We just went through this with our daughter, and finally put her back in her crib  that first night (which was still in her room). The next day around nap time, she was playing in her room, I went to peek at her...there she was all cuddled up in her new big girl bed sleeping soundly :) Maybe he just has to be comfortable with it on his own. try putting his crib in his room with the new bed. Just let him get in and out of it as he feels comfortable.. Hope this helps..good luck

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