
My songwriting always seems to reflect the writing style of other songwriters in bands i like. ?

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i really want to develop my own writing style.

when i write a song, or attempt to, i always end up writing it in the style of whatever band i have stuck in my head at the time.

it frustrates me like crazy.

one week i write like davey havok, next week i write like ian curtis, and this week i have kurt cobain's style glued onto my pen.

any tips on how i can develop my own style?

is this anyone else's problem as well?




  1. As individual artists, we tend to gather inspiration from what we enjoy. Which seems to be your problem.

    First of all that's not as big a problem as you might think. We, artists, usually derive our own style from what we like listening to. We are so surrounded by other artists and other ideas that it seems nearly impossible to come up with an original thought. I'm just saying this to let you know that you're not alone. Most if not all up-and-coming songwriters experience the "Oh c**p that awesome guitar riff I just wrote sounds almost exactly like Aerosmith's 'dream on'!" My suggestion to you is to surround yourself with all the styles of music that you like, and just keep writing. You'll end up pulling around and coming up with something fresh, something you. Don't get too upset about writing like kurt cobain, or davey havok. As long as you're playing different things all the time, you'll end up with you. Just be patient. :)

  2. Maybe you don't have much to write about and if you  do you don't know how to express your individuality properly

    Maybe the answer is to not listen to songs for a week and for that week your sole purpose is to  write about life about death...anything that comes to mind

    Anything that happens at any given time can be inspiration

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