
My sons 1st birthday is in December. Where couId I do a bday party for him? My family has alot of people....?

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so I anticipate about 75 people or more. . . . . I live in Salt Lake City..





  1. I was gonna say maybe have it a park,but it will be too cold won't it? Maybe try it at a kid place,like chuckie cheese or fun zone,if you have those around where you live. It might mean having two birthday parties,one for one part of the family and one for the other part? Or  maybe at a family member's house that has enough room for the whole family. However,don't do it alone,get someone to help you,that's what I had to do =)

  2. What about your local library? We had a great birthday in the conference room of our local library.

    Happy Birthday ahead!

  3. so many people! i'm only planning 25 people for my son's first birthday in the middle of september and i'm already overwhelmed. do i want to do a yellow sheet cake, individual cupcakes, or an ice cream cake? what about food allergies and children that are picky eaters? that's a lot of people in one area for a small child. my friend had her daughter's second bday party at chuckie cheese. everyone agreed that most of the kids there were too young to really enjoy any of the festivities and between the kids in our party and the other kids there, we had to keep an extra close eye on our kids to keep them safe. they weren't old enough to run around on their own so parents had to work that much more to walk them around to the different rides and games. i know the temptation for a child's party is to do it up, but its normally best to keep it simple. i thought i wanted a bigger party for my son's party but now that we're only a few weeks away from it, i just want something sweet with immediate friends and family.

    for her first bday, that same friend rented out a room at an athletic facility, kind of like a ymca and that was pretty nice.

  4. Thats too many people! Do you have to invite the entire family? When my daughter turned one we kept it small without about 6 family members and a cake. Even having those 6 people there became overwhelming for my daughter. I would keep it small & simple, as your son won't remember it anyway. Just get a cake, let him dig in and take lots of pictures.  

  5. Try to only invite people your son sees regularly. While it is a big occasion for all, you don't want him to get overwhelmed on HIS birthday. He should be able to recognize everyone who attends and feel comfortable in his environment. You don't need to plan any activities, it will only be about a 3-4 hour party and opening presents and eating his cake will take up a good hour and a half. Plan it during his happiest time of day and it is highly recommended that it take place at home, or another very familiar environment.

    My son is 13m and we attended 4 parties in addition to his in the last 6 weeks. The best ones were the ones with other babies and thrown in the home. Kids between 5-12 that didn't see the birthday kid regularly were such a pain at the parties.

    check out for more info, they gave me the best tips for my son's big day.

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