
My sons Daycare Center....what do I do???

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My 8 week old son just started daycare this past Monday. And yes, I know he is young and it is quite soon to put him somewhere, but I had no choice I have to go back to work because of financial issues. I am so devastated. I picked him up today at 2:30 pm and they had not fed him since 10:30a. This is fine because he wakes up on his own every 4-6 hours to eat and it had only been four hours. However, I am one of the lucky moms and does not have a fussy baby AT ALL! He has never had colic, cradle cap, I hardly ever hear him cry. (Unless he is hungry or dirty) That is just the beginning. They had not changed his diaper since 9a. This is ridiculous! To top it all off they lost all of his bibs and burp rags!!! She told me I needed to bring more, and his name was on all of them. How do you just lose that. I thought to myself this is horrible, but maybe if I talk to the director things will get better. Well this evening I went to go look at a home to purchase and the women selling the house said she looked at putting her daughter there. She dug very deep into research and realized that a worker from this daycare had been fired for molestation of a child! I just want to cry. How could all of this be happening! I really need advice!!!! And please do not tell me to take him out because I am, and he is never going back. But how could someone do things like this?




  1. That is horrible. It's hard enough to leave such a young baby, without all of that. Even if the daycare seems fine, you still worry because the baby can't tell you if something is wrong.

    Do you know other people with kids in childcare? Ask people you trust to recommend childcare providers. Also, look for a childcare provider that is certified through child services.  

  2. I am so sorry to hear about this. I work in the child care industry, and all of those things sound just horrible. It is a licensing law that children in diapers must be changed every two hours, so by not changing him they weren't just being stupid - they were breaking the law.

    When you find a new child care center, do as much research as you can. Google the name of the center and try to find a lot of reviews. In fact, I would not recommend a center unless you can find several positive reviews first.

    Also, call your county to see who is this center's licensing representative. Then report the center to the rep.

    Best of luck to you, and I hope this doesn't turn you away from child care centers forever.

  3. They need to be reported, FAST!

    Contact local Child Protection Services, or the Department of Health Services to see what you can do.

  4. ask people that have their children their how it is before you sign him up

  5. I'm not sure your question, you said you are taking him out, which sounds like the best decision, but as far as the daycare? Report that you have concerns to whoever it is that regulates daycares in your area.  

  6. Call CPS.

  7. Sometimes your local Social Service office can give you a list of daycare providers, people who have been checked and approved by the state.  If you're having financial problems you can probably receive assistance paying for your daycare bill.  It's not hard to get assistance through these types of programs.

    Good luck in the future.

  8. "...realized that a worker from this daycare had been fired for molestation of a child!"

    I would find that very hard to believe. If it were true, he would have been prosecuted and if found guilty, served his time, and released from prison, there is no way he cold have gotten a job at a day care center.

    If he was never prosecuted, or if he was and found not guilty, then there was no evidence that he did anything wrong.

    30 years after McMartin and witch hunts are still common.

  9. what about a nanny? A stay at home mom who will babysit?

    Daycare workers are underpaid and they will hire just about anyone. They have 6 babies per adult and the crying baby will get feed/changed first. They set in their car seats all day. I have worked at several different ones-even "THE BEST" and they are all the same.  

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