
My sons corn snake died today she hadn't eaten for 3 months and i had successfully treated her for minor scale

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rot a reptile specialist said she looked very healthy and alert and that she had plenty of fat reserve she was only 3 last couple of days seemed a lifeless but ok when handled she was in with a smaller male who was only intraduced 2 months ago but all seemed fine he seems fine but now concerned incase he becomes ill any ideas what may have happened




  1. Its unfortunate to have happened...

    The only way you are going to know now what caused the death is to get the vet to check it out.

    As for your remaining cornsnake, i suggest you start googling caresheets for cornsnake and double checking your setup - check your temps, your substrate, anything and everything. This looks like a good site:

    If you kept both snakes together, she could simply have been stressed to the point of weakness and death - only females can be kept together on a permanent basis.

    In the mean time give everything a good clean out for both snakes. Completely fresh substrate, anti-bac the inside of the enclosure, put any wood in the over for 30 mins or so, boil and plastics...

  2. What was your set up, i can't help you otherwise, there's a lot of things it could be!

  3. If the vet said it looked healthy then it could have been something real subtle.  Weird that it wouldn't eat for three months but nothing showed up on any tests.  I think the most common cause for that is either winter fasting (but she would've started eating again by now and shouldn't have been lifeless at the end), some kind of infection or some sort of blockage.  If you really want to know you can talk to your vet about having a necropsy done.  I don't know how much it costs but that may tell you more.  Talk to the specialist and let him/her know your concerns.  See if the vet thinks it's worth it.

  4. when my corn snake had to be put to sleep it was because of failing kidneys, she hadnt eatan for months and was becoming listless, the xray showed a swollen kidney which in turn had caused her bones to become weak

  5. She Probably looked at the males **** And had a heart attack of how little it was. xD

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