
My sons father has A D D

by  |  earlier

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my sons father is 24 and has A D D but has been of medication for a few years now and seems to be ok BUT my two year old son is a menace he pulls his sisters hair and gets into everything and he laughes at me when i dipline him does this mean my son will have A D D plz help me




  1. My dad and brothers all have ADD and it is heriditary in some cases.  The best way to know is to tell your doctor about it.  Usually they dont know until your child starts school.  He could just be being a 2 yr old boy.  They are all menaces!!!

  2. ADD can be hereditary, but it is not unusual for 2-year olds to test their parents and others in authority.  It's part of your son's development that he needs to become more independent, and is not necessarily a symptom of something else.

    BUT, this does not excuse deliberate and naughty behaviour. Some children are more challenging than others and it will be up to you to set a standard of behaviour that you expect and then help your son stick to it.  Pulling his sisters hair is naughty and he needs to be taught not to do that.  Two year olds can understand the word 'no'.  When he does something naughty, tell him no, and remove him from the situation. Distraction is a very legitimate way of managing your son's behaviour.  If you can see a difficult situation building up, distract him with a toy, book, taking his hand, etc.  There will also be times when you might need to use a smack on the hand or a naughty chair (for time out-suggestion is often 1 minute for each year old your child is-but this might be too stressful for you if he won't stay seated)

    If your son laughs at you when you try and discipline him he probably thinks it's some kind of game. Be firm.  Discipline is a lifetime skill and it's not a game.  Use your serious voice and face.  Correct wrong behaviour immediately.  Stick with it and you'll do fine. Choose your battles (like when he's hurting others or deliberately damaging stuff) and stand your ground.

    And if you feel that the situation isn't improving, talk to your doctor about your concerns.  

    Hope this helps.  God bless you.

  3. might mean you have an unruly kid. if your spanking your kid, i doubt he would laugh. and i highly suggest spanking your kids. verbal warnings and groundation only go so far. my little half sister only gets verbal warnings and rarely grounded, shes 9 now adn has already stolen frequently, backtalks all the time, is stubborn, lies, and has even stolen an ipod. me and my full blooded sister were spanked regularly and its A HUGE difference between our behaviors

    and i think its too early to tell, a childs mind doesnt even completely finish developing until age 11. Its a possibility he just has weird manerisms.  

  4. ADD wont pass on, his probably learning this behavior from his dad, if you become his father figure he will turn out more like you. Just discipline him right and you will be fine.

  5. If your childs dad has ADD your child then has a good chance of having ADD. But then it could be a phase all children go through things like this. my cousin is 9 and when he gets told of he goes mad he laughs and really goes mad. and he has ADD but it could be a phase but just make sure you tell your child hes in the wrong and as he gets older he will know and it should get better :)

  6. my be may be not

    google a d d  look up  the

    system to find out

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