
My sons head is uneven (@ 3 months) he has a buldge coming out on one side..what to do?

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when i lay my son down to sleep..he ALWAYS turns his head to his RIGHT side which explains why the left side of his head has a big buldge coming out..

even when i pick him up to hold him..his head automatically turns to the RIGHT side...(i guess b/c he's use to sleeping on his right)

i try to put a pillow on his back to make him turn to his left..but that usually doesn't last to long b4 he turns his head the other direction..

if u are a mom- have u experience this with your child and is this something to be concerned about? and @ 3 months do u believe his head will even out in time?? i am not too sure what to do...i'm afraid its kind of late to fix...




  1. My daughter had a buldge, kinda in her cheek bone area and the side of her face, for a few months after she was born.  It evened out and went away on it's own.  No idea what caused it.  I thought maybe the stress of being born?  Talk to your pediatrician about it, but don't worry yourself to death in the mean time.  Babies have soft, flexible bones at this age anyway.  :)

  2. Its not too late. One of my 5 month old twins has trouble turning to the left. He doesnt have a bulge but with time you should be able to correct it: 1. talk to the doctor about it.

                   2.when he falls asleep on you, lay him down on left side (i know it doesnt last long, but keep at it)

                   3. Put all toys to his left when he is laying on back or tummy time

    If your crib has a mobile try positioning him so he is looking more to the left to see it. Many babies have this problem. Try those until you talk to the dr. ( who will recomment a physiotherapist)  They may also show you a stretch but don't try to figure it out yourself. Good luck! Be persistant!

  3. Have you talked with his pediatrician? That would be my suggestion, since you are concerned.

    Good Luck.  

  4. My son's head was uneven at 2 months. We took him to the doctor and she said we need to start making sure he slept on the other side. So that is exactly what we did and it went away. Don't ignore it because it will get worse. I rolled up a burp rag and put in on the side of his head that was flat and he started laying on the other side. I just made sure he was never laying on the flat side of his head.

    Again take him to the doctor just to make sure it's nothing more serious but I think they will probably tell you what mine told me.

  5. yes this is a concern. not so much his head but the turning to the daughter does the same thing and she is soon to start physical therapy

  6. It sounds like you guys are going to have to get some baby physical therapy. He is turing his head to one side because his muscles are tight and pulling that way. It can be fixed really easily! You MUST take him to his doc to get a referral - do NOT let this wait - it will not "round out" on its own. You may need to get him a special helmet to reform his head. Flattening is permanent, don't let a nurse say "Oh, it'll fix itself as he grows" It won't!

  7. as a mother of 6 I always recommend you trust your dr if you do not look for a new one 1.that be said at 3 months he should be fairly rounded out by now the unevenness is usually gone at 2- 3 weeks

    the bulge is not sounding like it is from how he lays there should be no bulge that may be the cause of how he lays not from laying that way please call your dr. to have him looked at

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