
My sons pre-k doesn't require you to sign him out after school. Doesn't this seem a little unsafe?

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My sons pre-k doesn't require you to sign him out after school. Doesn't this seem a little unsafe?




  1. How would they find out how many children were in the Centre if they had a fire?. This is extremely unsafe! Do they have a parent committee? If so, maybe you could go and point out the obvious dangers. Not just fire, but strangers picking up your child. I think I would look around to see what other unsafe practises they are using. They dont seem to be using DOCS guidelines.


  3. I work at a preschool/daycare and at our center, we do keep a sign-in/out book, but many parents seem to forget to do this.  I know that for each child we have a list of 2 or 3 people confirmed by the parents that may pick up the child.  There are about 75 children at our center, and I know that I can recognized about 99% of these parents or guardians of the children.  If someone does come in that we do not know, we are required to ask for ID and then check that name to the list provided to us by the parents.  I would check with our director if this is part of their policy.  I would be worried if it was not their policy.

  4. very unsafe,

    Talk to the management and then if they don't answer take it to the people that own the centre. Still if this does not change, ring DoCs, they will be very interested to hear this and also the National Accredation Council. This is a breech of regulations and it is a matter the DoCs would love to hear about! If would be best to talk to the staff first and if in a month there is no change, GO TO DOCS. this is a security risk to your child and a hazard to the staff's jobs!

  5. of course!! This way is the most dumbest way I've heard of!!The pre -school my little sister goes to has the sign in and out feature  which is great!! You should talk this up at the next parent teacher conference or at a PTA meeting. PTA is a great way of meeting other parents so you can really get involved in the school and a great way to make play dates!!! :)


    Consider finding a safe-r Pre-K

    Good Luck....

  7. The school SHOULD have a paper up of their licenses ect.... find the number for the cosest licencing office, call them and ask.

    I know in Texas is is a state law t ohave a sign in and sign out sheet.

  8. I work in a an after school program and it's unsafe not sign the kids out because someone else might pick them up and if they do leave with someone rather than urself and there is no signature, then how r u supposed to know who took your child out.  Next parent conference u should bring this point out cause' u never know what might happen, it's best to take measures right now, there's evil people out there and why risk it.  Teachers should sign them in and parents sign them out, that's how we do it in our schools.  The emergency list is also important cause' that's how we know who has the right rather than yourself to take the kid out.  If the parent does not sign and someone else comes for the kid, we don't release them until we check the emergency form and if that person is not there, we will call the parent to let them know.

  9. is it a set class? Do all of the children leave at the same time? If so, then you can not expect the school to have a sign out policy. No other schools do. I know it seems unsafe but think about elementary schools. They are the same way. If you are talking about a daycare situation then I would be worried and change day cares.

  10. Yes, it does.  My daycare requires that all children be signed in and out by an adult that is on the child's pick up list!  What if someone other than you picks the child up?  What record do that have of who the child left with?  Address this with your daycare immediately!

  11. OMIGOSH...that's ridiculous! I would concider changing Preschools or speaking with other parents are requesting a change in policy - thats just a very unsafe lazy policy.

  12. i would never send my kid to a place that didn't have you sign them out first. anyone could just come along and say they are a friend and take the kid. Tell me how many child abductions in that are in the last year?

  13. Very unsafe! Sometimes I might forget to tell a parent to sign out if I know them but that is only once in awhile. For a school to not have a policy to be accountable for when the child leaves the school is crazy, for the parents to participate and the school to make themselves so liable.

  14. That is extremely unsafe. It should be a law. If child care centers broke the law their license should be revoked. That is why all these kids are being kidnapped. Anyone can pick up your child. I was a k-2, k-3 teacher and I sighned the children in and the parents would sign them out. No one could pick them up unless the PARENTS brought me a note and I put that note in the childs file. If they had an emergency and needed to call me and telll me someone else was coming, we had a code word that was different for each parent.

    Don't get me wrong, I am concerned about your child's safety, but the school is setting themselves up. They should have a sihn out sheet for the schools protection too.

  15. That is odd.  My oldest is 18 and they even req'd it back then.  Maybe you should ask why they don't do that.

  16. at least the care taker/teacher in charge knows that he's gone home with his parent

  17. At my daughter preschool we have a book that we sign in and out on, it's really just a formallity though, sometimes i forget to sign it. The teachers usually only release the kids once their parent is there and they stand at the door and call the childs name when their parent is there. Only me or my husband can pick her up, if i had someone else pick her up that the teacher didn't know then she would check that persons I.D. before releasing her. So wether you sign a book or not it's safe so long as the teacher knows who she is sending the child with and that is an authorized person to pick up your child.

  18. What about carpool at the end of the day? Teachers usually have carpool duty. They bring their class to the designated points and put kids in cars. I thought parents sign their children out of school when they are picked up early.

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