
My sons school is pushing him to be on medication to help him focus. ?

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I don't want meds but they feel it would be best for him. he has been checked by his doctor and he doesn't feel he needs it. But the teacher is still pushing for it. What are me options?




  1. Since when are teachers qualified to prescribe medications???  He's your son and if he were mine he would not be on meds!!!  You do want to limit his sugar intake and you will need to read labels.  High fructose corn syrup should be outlawed - it is in an alarming number of products. Also NO SODA.

    If this teacher can't deal with your son demand a different teacher.

  2. Maybe you can research some natural approaches.  There are juices and vitamins out there that are supposed to help that.  My daughter has taken a juice called Vitalagy.  Some people like juice with mangosteen in it, like Xango.  

  3. You go with the doctor - he's the one who understands what the medications do and who they are likely to work for.

  4. I'm a teacher and I'm suggesting that you go to a homeopath or naturopath.  They can go about it in a different way. Some kids act out due to their eating habits. TOne answerer mentioned no high fructose corn syrup - YES that stuff is really bad and makes some kids super hyper.  Try other alternatives before the medication route.

    However, even though your doctor doesn't think he needs it, your child's teacher obviously feels that this is impacting their learning.  Fine if you don't want him on meds but what are you going to do to support your child and his/her teacher when he isn't able to grasp concepts or meet standards? What if he is academically behind most of the class? What if his attention span is significantly in the way of his learning? Will you be okay with that? Meds is such a scary words and I don't totally promote it. I do think it is the last case choice after everything else (meaning other appropriate and doable accomodations have been made in class).  

  5. DONT DO IT!!!!  My husbands mom put him on meds when he was in grade school and it made him like a zombie...If the docs say he doesnt need it then dont do it.  Look for a new school or go to the school board and tell them whats going on.  I would be pissed if I was you, and wouldnt be very nice to the teachers at the school either.

  6. Think about it when you needed to talk to someone about a teacher in school you went to the principal. talk to the principal and if your sons teacher doesn't stop then switch classes while there is still time in the school year. my teachers recommended meds when I was in school and my parents put me on them and they had a bad effect I was on them for a week then my parents stopped the meds and requested that I was put in the front of the class and from then on I requested it. when you are in the front you do not have the distraction of all the rest of the kids in front of you!

  7. Get a letter from your doctor stating your son does not need to be on medication, make copies and take one to the superintendent of your school district, one to the school principal's office and give one to his teacher.  If the teacher continues to insist he be placed on meds maybe you should look into switching teachers.

  8. NO Meds . Explain that his Dr. doesn't recommend it. You have the right as a parent not to medicate him . Sounds like he is just bored with his teacher.Try switching classes or possibly a new school. They sound crazy.

  9. I would do what you feel is best to do. The school doesn't know what is best for him....and is the DOCTOR says he fine then I would leave it alone, and if the school keeps trying to push it you should talk to somebody higher then them.

  10. wait, wait, wait.

    medications.  who do we listen to about that?  teachers?  or doctors?

    i'd go with your doctor's recommendation.  and your gut feel.

    the teacher just doesn't want the added stress on her job, that's why.  why don't you "prescribe" valium to her instead?  it looks like she could need it, the persistent witch!

    if she still insists on drugging your boy to make her job easier, get the school head involved already.  get her kicked out.  there is something mildly illegal about what she's doing, i just know it.

  11. I wouldn't do it. You know your child better than they do, and behavior medications can have extreme side effects.

  12. Stay firm, keep your child's best in mind. As a parent you have the right to refuse this nonsense.  Teachers should not be practicing medicine. If your doctor says that your son does not need to be medicated, he does not need to be medicated. If his teacher cannot handle him, please ask the school to transfer him to a different teacher. Check your state's education code. You'll find that you have the right to have him transferred to a different class and to a different teacher.

  13. Meds are prescribed to children for hyperactivity a little too quickly. Maybe there are after school activities that are physical that he can get into to burn some energy. Honestly I think that diet and a little exercise should be changed before doping up kids

  14. Teachers do not have the right to insist on, or even recommend, medication. Teachers are not doctors. They are kids experts, but taht doesn't qualify them to make medical diagnoses.

    I would speak to the school administration and let them know that you are less than impressed, and that your doctor does not feel medication is warranted.

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