
My sons teddy bear hamster just had 10 babies should i take the father out the cage?

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I heard he might kill them is this true? Or any other information would really help about how to care for them or what to do!! Also if i seperate them will the father die from being lonley?




  1. Yes take the male out asap he will be fine on his own, plus you can give him a little extra attention..but PLZ don't remove the mom!!! They need her!!!  She will kill them in a very gruesome fashion after they are weaned if you leave her in the cage with them as they require their the older babies to make their own life very early and when trapped together in a cage , she will do the next best thing...

    Sorry for graphic image but I have had that experience with the kids in my daycare screaming for me to come quick..Cause puff was eating the babies!!!  What a story for them to tell mom & dad on the drive home  X(

  2. Only take out the daddy. Keep the mom in because the babies will depend on her for the next 3 weeks. Don't touch the babies or anything in the cage until their eyes are open, which happens at around 2 weeks. Don't clean the cage either until 2 weeks. When they are 3 weeks old, you can s*x them and separate them. Mommy with girls and the boys alone. Find homes ASAP because syrians ["teddy bear hamsters"] are SOLITARY. They can't live in pairs. So be prepared to find a home for each hamster that you don't plan to keep.

  3. HE might kill them, but the mother might also eat the babies if she is stressed so I would grab Mr. Hamster and try hard not to disturb mom.  You can put the cages next to one another so he will be able to see his "wife" and children.  

  4. Yes and quickly- apparently he will kill them

  5. The father wont die if you take him out. But yes you need to take him out immediately. For more on raising hamster pups check out the website.


    Good Luck!

    Oh and don't take out the mom like some other people said. That's like taking a child and throwing in front of a car while the mother watches. Lol. The pups rely on their mother.

  6. He won't die but he could kill the babies.  Definitely remove him.  

  7. yes take the dad out---permanently---if u dont want any more baby hamsters

  8. Yes, and make sure that their is bedding in there to keep them warm, as they have no hair at first.

    Also, after they ween,separate them because hamsters  get too crowded in one place and then they'll  turn on each other and eat their babies.

  9. yes, or the mother will out of fear.   Do not handle the babies either, your scent will make her eat them.

  10. DITTO

  11. Take away both the mother and the father, both could eat the babies. Talk to a vet, they know best.

  12. take him out a.s.a.p. or else he'll probably eat the babies.

  13. Take the father out of the cage. Because if he doesn't kill the babies they mother may kill him to protect the babies. Also keep him out of the cage with them until they((the babies)) are able to walk on their own && eyes are open.  

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