
My sons want to sleepover???

by  |  earlier

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I have 5 kids and pregnant with twins.My first twins 4y/o want to sleepover there friends house but im scared because how about he crys at night and its a half hour ride i dont know what to do.But hes fine sleeping over hes aunts house but the last time he sleepet over his friends house he was cry all night but he was down the block so i picked him up

What should i do??




  1. I wouldn't let him until he's a little bit older... four years old is a bit young, if you ask me. Seriously, four years old? That's just two years older than a toddler!

    The reason he probably doesn't cry while he is with your aunt, is because that's a familiar face. You go to a friends house, and you got nobody! Well, you got the friend... but he isn't family.

    Lets be reasonable here, you think if you told your child that "I can't pick you up" will stop him from going? You could tell your child that he could die from eating poison and he'll probably still do it. - You've got to be stern about these things, and explain to him that you can't do it. He'll probably throw a temper tantrum, but he'll forgive you the next day. Maybe make him a snack or something!

  2. well depends on the people hes staying over with...if the parents there are reliable then sure y not...if not so reliable u might wanan think about it some more...point is if they do get scared thats y u made sure that the parents were reliable so that they can comfort them....

  3. well I would warn the parents ahead of time that your kid might wake up crying and see if they are ok with handling that and you should let your son know that you can't come pick him up if he starts crying and ask him if he really thinks he'll be ok all by himself (or with his brother) and give it a try if he really thinks he can maybe you can tell him if he goes and stays good and doesn't cry then you'll get him a treat when he gets home.

  4. I wouldn't allow my child to do sleepovers at 4 years old. That's too young. I'd wait until they're at least 7 years old.

  5. no not at 4yrs old.  I used to be the same way but most of the time cried and came home. wait till they're older.

  6. oh god. 4 years is wayyyy to young.

  7. Let him feel independent, let him stay there late and pick him up and explain to him that you are very busy and that his friend has to go to sleep.

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