
My sons was playing with a stretchy caterpillar toy and it hit him in both eyes. He is crying cause they hurt

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and I do not know what to do. He can barely open them. It has been hours. He fell asleep already. He won't let me open them to wash them out and he won't let me touch the to see if I can see if they are scratched, which I am certain they are. I cannot imagine the doctor can do anything different than I would however, if he is still unable to open his eyes tomorrow after he sleeps I will take him in.

Does anyone have any suggestions I could try at home to sooth his eyes?


He is 6.




  1. Well if there was dust or debris from the toy that got in there and scratched his eyes, then the crying was probably the best thing for him.

    I'm sure my 6 year old would throw a downright fit if I tried an eyewash on her, but maybe a warm damp (clean!) washcloth would help? You could tell him you are washing his face?

  2. I would advise you to use a warm washcloth and gently rub the eyelids. Also try rubbing around his eyes. Have him try to open his eyes. Otherwise, I would say see a doctor as soon as possible as this could turn serious.  

  3. give him sleeping pills and then check

  4. If his eyes are bothering him in the morning, try a cool wash rag.  Call your dr and see what an advise nurse says.  He only has 1 set of eyes, so isn't a dr visit worth the cost?  

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