
My sons will be 19 months apart is another baby shower okay?

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I personally, don't feel comfortable having another shower a little over a year I had my last one. I told several friends of mine that I think it was okay to have another one and about 4 of them said, "That's absurd! every baby deserves a shower!" and things like that.

I don't want to look tacky, but my friends are insisting that it's not.

It's another boy... so I won't need much big stuff. But my son was born in the summer and this baby will be born in the winter so most of my son's old clothes aren't going to be the right sizes at the right season.

Wouldn't asking them to throw a diaper shower be better?




  1. I really don't think you should at all. People will feel obligated again now to get you something even if you and all your friends say not to. Tell them instead of having a baby shower that they should host a little get together a couple weeks after the baby arrives so everyone can come see the baby and enjoy him/her, they can serve food and stuff still, and the baby will still get the "shower". That way since it is something different people might not feel obligated to get something. I know if someone I knew had one right after another I certainly wouldn't show up without a gift but I would think they were pretty rude. I think you should just tell them you don't want one. and ask about the other suggestion maybe. Plus you don't have to have tons of unwanted, my house is a mess, I'm a mess, and tired visitors all the time when you come home. You can have a day where you could have someone come over and watch the babe in the morning so you can get all dressed up and then you can go enojy time with friends and family while everyone adores your little one. Thats what I'm doing. My babies will be ten months apart, and I figure it will work out good. Whatever you choose to do congrats and have fun!

  2. Try poppin them out 10 months apart for 3 or 4 years.

    Then you can have loads of baby showers.

  3. All my co-workers having their 2nd or 3rd baby, get a "shower" with cake, drinks, etc, but the only gifts they receive are gift cards (to Target, Babies R Us, etc.) that each department went in together on.

    A shower is generally for the purpose of providing the new family with things it will need and doesn't already have for the baby.  Chances are, unless children are born really far apart, most families still have a lot of those items and the gift card just allows the now-experienced parents to get the stuff THEY want and need instead of opening up the third set of Pooh bib, socks, and hat!

    Plus, be aware that many people (read: WOMEN) LOVE throwing a baby shower (or any party!) and in this case, the baby shower ISN'T specifically for you, the receiver, but for them, the givers.   I found this out the hard way and quickly learned to shut up, smile, and say "thank you!"

  4. Each baby should be a celebration!  Don't feel's not tacky at all.  Enjoy your friends enjoying you and your soon to be son:o)

  5. I think it's tacky to have a shower that close, especially for the same s*x, regardless of season.  I had a boy, then 2 years almost to the day later, had a girl.  I had a meet the baby party, gifts were not expected, but alot of people brought them anyway.  I ended up with so many clothes, which was pretty much what I needed, since I had everything else form my son.  Even if your friends throw it, alot of people are going to think you are the one who had the idea.

  6. I think every baby deserves a celebration.  If you don't want to have a traditional shower maybe have a "celebration tea" or maybe have a shower where all gifts are given to charity.  

  7. I just had a Pamper-ing Party for a friend of mine in the same situation...second baby boy close together.  On the invitation we put "Pampers for the new baby or something for pampering mom! (gift cards, lotions, candles, bubble bath, etc.)"  Since she is our friend we were overjoyed with encouraging her and I'm sure that if they are your true friends...they will feel the same way!   Don't worry and enjoy this time!

  8. Well, it's perfectly fine for them to throw you another one if that's what they want to do. If THEY don't think it's tacky then I think that's what matters since they're throwing it!

    However, it's also understandable why you'd feel uncomfortable.

    Perhaps suggest a "sprinkle" instead of a shower. More a party just for the baby and not for the things YOU need for the baby.

  9. I think that if you are uncomfortable with it, you should ask for a smaller kind of celebration. Maybe a dinner or something like that with just close friends.

    But I wouldn't think it was tacky if I received an invitation to another baby shower. I love shopping for baby items, I love getting out of the house for an adult occasion, and I love good food/drink.........I personally wouldn't turn my nose up at that! But I understand your feelings. I think you just need to do what you are comfortable with.

  10. Yes I think a diaper shower is much more appropriate since you are having the same s*x again.

  11. Yeah, some people would see it as tacky. Maybe throw a party, but not necessarily a "baby shower". Make sure it's understood that gifts are not expected. Then it should be fine! No reason to exclude baby #2!

  12. I think a diaper shower would be a great idea :)  

  13. No, shower is for a first baby.

    Your family and close friends will gift your child after he is born, anyway, so just leave it. They will come and see the baby and you anyway.

  14. I personally think a baby shower for the second child, unless it's been a very long time since you had the first, is too much, regardless of the s*x.  I had to throw a baby shower for someone who is due to have a second boy one week before her first son's first birthday.  I thought it was too much.  That's just me, because I feel like people can buy you gifts after the baby is born, a shower isn't really necessary.

  15. I say every baby deserves one but since you just had one why not make this one maybe smaller and a little bit more personal, like with just close girlfriends.  

  16. They are two completely different babies, so I think that It'll be okay. You should just ask for some general stuff for the baby, like diapers, soaps, and stuff like that.

  17. I might sound really hateful, but your right....why do you need another shower?  I imagine you have everything you need.  Maybe you and your friends could get together and they could take you out to eat and give you gifts if they want...

  18. I would have a little shower including the people who want to throw the shower and maybe a few more who wouldn't have a problem with it. Don't ask for any kind of gift, and if they bring you something pretend you're surprised. "Oh, that's so kind of you, you shouldn't have" blah blah blah.

    That's just what I would do. If you were my friend, I'd go to your second shower with no problems, by the way. But I hate it when people ask for specific types of gifts on their invitations. Tacky, tacky.

  19. My family has always done one shower only.  Unless the kids are really far apart in age.  However, your friends are more than willing to throw you one.  So let them give you one, but tell them that you would rather keep it small & private rather than elaborate like your first one.  

  20. What I did was register at Target. You can register anywhere. Put down exactly what you need. Make Gift cards part of it. You can use them for future purchases of diapers, wipes and such. I got exactly what I need and exchanged the things I already had plenty of. Good luck!!

  21. dont be daft of coarse you can have a shower. if your friends want to spoil you let them

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