
My soon to be 9 year old attitude seems to be changing. What to do?

by Guest62584  |  earlier

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My daughter has always been the most easy going child. She kind of just went along with the program. If she did something I didn't like I would tell her that i didn't like it and she would never do it again. She was always and easy child

Well it seems she is getting tougher, I ask her to pick things up and she screams and throws her self back, ask her to get a shower or brush her hair and she screams and pouts at about anything she is told to do.

What has happen to my easy going child? How can we nip this in the butt? Do you think it's a phase? Any stories of suggestions welcome.




  1. Typical 9yr. old!  It's a phase.  She's learning her boundaries and how much rope she's got.  They grow out of it.  You'll get a few gray hairs in the process. . .but they DO grow out of it!

  2. Sounds like a phase.  Try and praise good behaviour and when she starts throwing these tantrums just let it pass and show her it gets her nowhere.  She will soon learn that good behaviour gets praise/rewards and bad behaviour gets her nothing.

  3. One of my daughters is also 9, and she's been going through this stage since she was 6! However, we just found out she has ADHD, and that probably has a lot to do with it, in her case.

    I was expecting it (the attitude), when she was 12 or 13, but, not so early!

    Ground her from her favorite things... It may or may not work, but, it's a start.

  4. You can "nip" it in the butt, by whippin it in the butt! I say give a good ole fashion spanking outta cure her problems!

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