My wife and I separated a year ago, I recently moved back in with her and I have decided to move out of state, we have three boys, and she is not working, she is claiming that she will be able to date and go out, I thinking to myself is she nuts??? She has three boys, 2 dogs and a cat and no job, and she thinks its going to be easy "once I get the routine" I didn't want the divorce, I have been taking care of the boys all summer, now I am not the kind of husband or father that was not hands on, I do the dishes, laundry, cleaning (bathrooms too) and cook, why is she leaving you ask? She has never given me a straight answer. she is very selfish even though she does not think so, I tried very hard the last 8 years to make it work, and she always would be unhappy and discontent.
Leaving out of state is something I wanted to do when we met, she entertained the idea, but then we had our first son, and there go my dreams. She wanted to stay close to her family, which she does not even talk to anymore due to a money matter from the last few years, whole another story.
Therefore, she seems to think that she is going to be this swinging 36 year old gal, with 3 kids and its going to be easy,
Any input????