
My soon to be husband went and picked me out an engagement ring and we think its fake?

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he got the ring from a small jewelry store. when i put in on my finger it turned my finger black. the guy told him no cash back but if we prove its fake does he have to give us our cash back?




  1. if his no cash policy is posted in the store  or if its on the receipt then you are out of luck.    otherwise you can try small claims court.  

  2. if it's fake i'm sure he defrauded you and broke the law.  If he doesn't voluntarily refund the money, I'm sure you could take him to court and get it back.

  3. sounds like it's some sort of silver..

    if the store told you it was gold or platinum then they have to give you your money back.

    take it to another jewelery store and ask for an appraisal, if the ring is not what the first store said it was tell them you are taking them to small claims court.

  4. Is it gold or silver?  Some people will get that reaction with certain metals.  A real jeweler can test both the stone and the metal.  If it's not what it was as advertised, you can talk to the man and tell him you had it tested and you want your money back or you will take him to smalls claims court.  (And he'll end up having to pay your court costs too, and the judge may even fine him.)  That's fraud, and if it's over $500 that really bad.  Don't wait, have it checked out by a real jeweler tomorrow.  

  5. Are you worried about the diamond or the gold?  You can take it into Macys or JC Penneys and explain the story to them and ask them to test the diamond for you. I'm sure they will and it won't cost you anything. It will take them about 2 seconds to test it. You can start there and then decide what you want to do. I wouldn't get yourself upset just yet, you might find out it is real. Just swing by your local mall and ask a department store to test it for you. Hopefully it won't be fake and that will be the end of it. Does it say 14k or 10k on the inside of the band?

  6. That is crazy!  If you prove it is fake, I would get more then one jewelers opinion, and then involve the police and have him charged.  If he doesn't return your money, take him to court!   I think in a case like that if you prove its fake and he refuses a refund, threaten him with the press, his business would go down pretty fast ane he wouldn't want that!

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