
My spacer went in to my gums.but i cant see a DENTIST 4 3 DAYS.WHAT DO I DO?

by  |  earlier

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my back teeth, the spacing went between them

and went into my gum.




  1. call your orthodontist and schedule an emergency appointment, and make it clear that it is urgent and you cannot wait 3 more days! that must feel horrible. I know it hurts to have floss cut into your gums, let alone a spacer!

    I know how you feel, I got these metal bands around two of my back teeth, and after I got them on I sneezed and my tongue lodged into that band and shoved it up into my gums, hurt like h**l!

  2. um easy, either go to the dentist immediately or the ER to get the spacer out because honestly, the dentist should take you in if it's like that. It wouldn't be fair if you were to endure that for three days. If they won't see you I say sue them

  3. What the heck??? Your dentist actually told you he couldn't see you for 3 days... or your next appointment is in 3 days???

    That would be considered an emergency because of the potential for pain and infection... If your dentist can't see you for 3 days then he should be able to refer you to one who can see you immediately!!!

    If your next appointment is in 3 days, then call your dentist & tell him you need to see him sooner, he should agree when you explain the situation, if not then it's time to get a new dentist!!!  

  4. Why can't you see a dentist?

    If the next appointment isn't for 3 days it doesn't matter!

    The spacers won't work in your gums and its not good at all for it to be lodged in your gums! But I would still call your dentist's office first.

  5. go 2 the hospital  

  6. If what you mean thay it is stuck in there you better go to the hospital or a clinque to get it out! You could get a really bad infection by just leaving it alone. Also,you must be in a lot of pain& need to get it out of there!

  7. Go see your orthodontist anyway. You're suppose to see him/her if you're experiencing pain or complication.

  8. Wax is your best friend, ive been there.

  9. hg

  10. get out the needle nose pliers...

  11. Genuinely get your dentists help now dear. its not good to delay can land up in odd things. if your dentist is not available please go to some other dentist.


    the orthodontist is the way to go.... i once had my retainer stuck on the uvula which is the ball that hangs down from the back of your mouth if you didnt know and i went straight to the orthodontist and he got it right out

    The ER isn't where you want to be, they aren't the most gentile and let the mouth people deal with the mouth

  13. Use a pair of tweezers to pull it out.

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