
My <span title="dream...interpetations/advice">dream...interpetations/ad...</span> etc?

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today I had a dream... where I was asleep in my bed (which I was) and this fat red haired older man I've never seen came into my room and said... "give me the ticket" and I kinda woke up but could hardly move... and I said "I dont know what you mean, I dont have a ticket" and he grabbed something off of my make up table and closed my door. I went to stand up and I was really weak and I got to the door and tried to scream but I couldn't scream. . . I could only make a little noise. SO I ran to my moms room and she told me she didn't know what I was talking about. <end of dream>

Basically I have a lot of dreams where I'm helpless... and weak my legs always give or I can't talk/scream. It's very weird.




  1. To dream that you lose a ticket, denotes confusion and ambiguity in the direction of your life.

    Red hair is the color of danger, shame, sexual impulses and urges.

    To dream that you are paralyzed, may reflect the current state of your body while you are dreaming. During the REM state of sleep you really are immobile and paralyzed. However symbolically, dreaming that you are paralyzed may mean you are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspect or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel unable to deal with a situation or that you can&#039;t do or change anything. Alternatively, you may feel emotionally paralyzed. You may have difficulties in expressing yourself.

    Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.

  2. I wouldn&#039;t worry about this .. being on drugs can mess up your dreams.

    So can being under alot of stress, which you are since you&#039;re moving etc.

  3. i guess you&#039;re subconscious is telling you what you&#039;ve been trying to avoid? maybe because you&#039;re moving interstate and you have no choice to, thats where the man is asking for the ticket and you cant scream/move. or maybe its just you being scared to move, that you&#039;re making up people/things that you think are bad/scary, and when you try to talk to your mom about it she doesnt know what you&#039;re scared/talking about.

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