
My <span title="mom.............................................?">mom.........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well, last night my mom and I were making blueberry muffins and she yelled at me and said that I put too much flour in it, she then proceeded to stomp on m foot. Then with all of my might stoped on her foot. She immediatley screamed out in pain and it started to PUFF UP HUGE!!!!!! There is a humungus bruise on it and she started bawling. I appologized immediatley and I felt terrible about what did . Then I started to cry too. Now today she won't talk to me and it it still puffed up. We can't afford to go to the hospital and she limps. WHAT DO I DO NOW??????????

By the way I am 5'3 and 145 lbs if that makes a difference

Now, we are going to my grandparent's house tomorrow and she is going to tell them and my grandpa already yelled at me and me and him used to be realllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy close and now every time he talks to me he tells me he is extremely dissapointed!!!!!! Tomorrow all of my family on my dad's side will be at my grandparent's house and she is going to tell ALL of them what happened. It is going to be SOOOOOOOOOOO embarressing and I don't know what to do. By the way I am 12 and I can't stay home alone!! MY MOM IS FORSURE GOING AND SO IS MY DAD!!!!!!




  1. what a ***** leave her alone she dumb

  2. Two wrongs never make it right. Learn from this. Best thing you can do now besides apologizing and letting her know you have learned a lesson.

    And I agree with just askin, stop asking the same questions over and over again.

  3. You need to explain why you did it..

    Say that you assumed it was some kind of game?

    And than say,

    yo are my ideal I can&#039;t stop but do exacty what you do.

  4. this is the 3rd time you asked theis question. stop it already.

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