
My speakers are hooked up to an xp media center. The speakers pop and crack constantly.?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I try to turn up the volume or change the channel the speakers pop, it also happens randomly when nothing is being changed. It happens while I'm watching TV but it happens even more intensely when I am watching a DVD.

I have tried to hook up different speakers with the same results.

I have tried the audio input on the front of my PC with the same results.

It hasn't always happened just in the past month or so.

Could my sound card be bad? Could it be a bad ground?

Totally lost here.

Thank you!




  1. i would see if you got the same results with your mobo connection, if you still get the same effect its probably a driver, you also might be to much treble into teh speakers, i would also check ypour ground connections on your powersupply, and if worse comes to worse you can buy a sound card i have a $20 sound catd my self a creative labs card that works just as good as the high end cards, sound card dont really have much of a quality difference.

    hope it helps good luck

  2. your card is fried upgrade

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