
My state dmv has been sending out a lot of forms to people saying they have no record of their vehicles being?

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insured, I called my agent, and she told me they have been swarmed with calls about the same thing. The dmv is threatening to pull the registrations of these vehicles if we dont proove they are insured, She said she had recieved one herself, and had been going round and round with dmv over it, and it seemed like dmv was going to pull registrations whether we were proving it or not, and then charging a 200 and something dollar fee to reinstate them. I Know my insurance has never laspsed, and the Insurance agent said the same. Anybody know whats up with this? this is Nevada, by the way. I realise the state had a shortfall of income this year, is this how they plan to make it up? Why arent their records up to date?




  1. Contact your local media.  Most areas have at least one tv station that does consumer stories.  Ask them to look into it.  Betcha its a dmv mess up - imagine that!!???

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