
My step dad had an affair and paid me not to tell my mum...

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And I haven't because my mum was sick and getting surgery because she has brain cancer, but now she's home...should I tell her? My step dad is also the priest at our church...




  1. Take the scumbags money and still tell your mom. Buy her something with it. She should know who she is married to. Him being a priest just makes what he did less acceptable.

  2. you tell her! that is not fair to her to be living a lie. it could be tough but you need to do the right thing

  3. in the first place you should not have accepted the money your step dad offered you to keep quiet. i think you should definitely tell your mom. i know she would be hurt but if she found out by some other source she would be more hurt that you and her husband both hurt her.

  4. she deserves to know. she doesnt need someone like that in her life especially since theyre is a million other men that will treat her with respect.

  5. ur step dad is a real a*****e i dont care if he is a priest or not TELL UR MOM!

  6. catholic priest take the vow of celebacy & don't marry. is he  a pastor at your church? was it a 1 time thing? this is a man we respect & expect to guide us. it doesn't say much for him.if you keep mum then he could continue. i feel sorry for your mom ,especially with her condition..i would recommend going to another church & talking to the pastor there for guidance. i wish both you & your mom well.

  7. that is a very hard situation. think things thro and think of all possible outcomes. i personally think u shud tell ur mom bcs it is wrong that ur dad did that and it is better that she knows what is going on behind her back. it is healthier like that and if u dont tell her prob there will be tension. dont spend the money give it back to ur dad and make sure he doesnt hurt u cuz u tell ur mom if u do. and if he does tell a trusted adult.

  8. that's a tough one.  my initial thought is no because you don't want to get involved in adult issues but then again it's your step dad so you would probably care for your mom more so it might be a good idea.  she deserves to know.  

  9. Ask yourself how this would help your mom recover right now.  Sometimes coming out with the truth at the wrong time does more harm than good.  How would she react and would she really want to know right now at this difficult time in her life.  I would say tell her if she were not already dealing with so many problems in her life.  Your step dad may have done a one time thing in order to cope with your mom's being so ill.  It is hard to jump into the middle of adult situations without really knowing all the facts.  If this would not make your mom's situation better right now then I would not tell her.  Let your step dad know that you are only keeping this from her for now cuz you don't want to stress her more and harm her recovery, but that this better not happen again or you will speak up next time.  Sorry that you have been put in the middle of this as it certainly is not fair.  Without knowing more facts and the state of their marriage and how long they have been married I cannot advise other than this.  

  10. well u got money now so spend it then tell

  11. i believe its better to tell her now before she finds out herself.i feel reallly bad for you becasue your stuck in the middle of a bad situation but just tell her its the right thing because its not right for your step father to be cheating even if hes the priest or anything its still WRONG.soo good luck and i hope the best for your mom  

  12. ok #1 tell her if ur smart,its not fair to your mom.

  13. uhm yah dumb ***.u shoulda told her to begin with.

  14. wow that is a hard situatoin,but i think you should denfinally tell her. i no it will hurt her but she has a right to no. i hope every thing works out ok.just pray bout it

  15. If she is better then you should tell her explain to why you didn't before and she will probably understand why you took the money but if she s not better you should wait

  16. That is a hard situation but I think you should keep mum to mum. everyone makes mistakes.  

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