
My step dad hates me living here what do I do?

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Why does my mother put my step father before her own family? I am 34 my mother remarried 8 years ago she had custody of my children because i went to rehab to straighten out my life she give them to a couple that adopted them and ios mean to her my step dad gave her a choice between him and them she choose him during all these he spent all her $ and now she does'nt have anything.I have moved bachk in with her and my step dad so i can get my life together i am hiv pos and a recovering addict and i try really hard to stay clean i try to give my mom money and buy her things but whenever he's around she seems bitter to me he don't talk to me and there is alot of tension my mother is miserable he has changed her they have 6 dogs in there house and sometimes it smells i try to clean for her but she don't care either way he is bitter to her since i been around she ask him to hang a mirror and he want even do that to top it off he's a county cop i think she loves that part but the rest is just plain sickning what do i do i just want her to love me and my kids i have resentment but i try relly hard and the fact that i am dying and she still puts him first he is a pervert and he goes out on her he's even said things to me before but if i told her she would blame it on me she seems mad because i am doing good and have a little money for a change last night i came home with a victoria secrect bag and even bought her something she seemed jealous but i remember when she did have money i was told to stay away i could'nt even visit on christmas she has a evel spirit but she use to be so sweet please help me i don't know what to do i talk to my kids and buy them things and try to stay clean i am treated bad still even with a death sentence she would probally put me in a nusing home if i got real sick she still seems jealous because i am skinny and attractive she hates when i am dressed up and my step dad is around this is too weird i have nowhere else to go and i don't know what to do please help please don't say mean things i am very sensitive




  1. just  try   talk   to  him       i hope  get better

  2. I feel bad for you. It isn't like you don't have enough to worry about! Your Mom being jealous of you is HER problem. Your Mom's husband is a loser, taking advantage of her, spending her money. Your Mom suffers from low self esteem and you have no control over that. Please concentrate on you and thank goodness your Mom was smart enough to give your kids to someone healthier. Your Mom's husband will continue to be a jerk because he has no conscious, he isn't going to be nice to you when he isn't even treating your Mom with respect. Is there a place you can live, besides with them? (Maybe another family member) Who is going to take care of you when you can't take care of yourself? Please think about these things and even ask your Mom if she will take care of you when you get really sick. You need to concentrate on yourself for these reasons! Look out for you!

  3. kick the m0tHeRfUcKeRs @$$

  4. You have created a lot of pain for your mother. That's why your stepfather resents you. I think it would be a good idea if you lived somewhere else. See your Social Services caseworker and see what you can work out.

    Your stepfather is not the problem.

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