
My step-dad is looking for a hunting club within 50 miles of Elberton, GA. Does anyone know of one?

by  |  earlier

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he would like to join as soon as possibble.




  1. There is a hunting club section in the back of Georgia Outdoor News (GON) where clubs advertise vacancies.  That's a good place to start.  The other thing I would suggest is that he contact the Georgia DNR officer at the county extension office and talk to her, as she knows a lot of the clubs in the vicinity.

  2. I am the president for a hunting club in elberton, we are currently establishing membership for 2008-2009 hunting season. Please have him contact me either by email or by phone 828-779-6954.

  3. I am not sure if it is withing 50 miles....but this is a good one: Once you get to the website look on the left hand side and go down to where it says hunting and click on that.

    Hope this helped.

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