
My step dads leaving my mom and shes on disability... What can we do?

by Guest44986  |  earlier

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I live in South Carolina with my mom and step dad. They have no children together, but from other marriages. The only ones left are me and my twin brothers and we are all in college. I don't know what to do do because my moms on a fixed income from disability and I have had to stop school to work to help keep us in our house that runs $1000 a month plus a ton more of other bills we have. What can I do? What can she do? Are there any laws that say he has to pay if he leaves? My mom wont let my brothers stop school to work because they have always been super smart, but me she needs to help pay a c**p load of bills since I'm so much older. So that means putting the rest of my education behind me another 2 or more years. HELP!? Please.




  1. No.You go to social services a,d she gets  on hud.She will lose the house and all, but at least she will be able to afford to live then.

    She is going to have to learn to live with in her means,or she might be able to refinance her home at a lower payment.

  2. There is no child support coming for step kids.  If they own the house she needs to get a "quit deed" which is a legal paper where he signs off his side of the ownership to the property.  This frees it up so she can sell it or live in it at her own expense.  If you are there to help her at this time be sure she looks into alimony.  Don't let her get stepped on.  She really needs to talk to an attorney.   As far as your schooling, there are government grants you can apply for.  If you are living  close to home or at home you need to help as much as you can.  Or you can walk away and leave it all up to her to survive like my son did.  But in the long run she needs to find a place to live that works with her budget.  I have know a lot of people that went to college and had jobs also.  I my self went to school full time and had a full time job and was raising a 2 year old child.  It can be done.  If I sound harsh with this next statement I am sorry but I have seen so many kids that have grown up with everything they needed and some with everything they ever wanted that simply figure their parents owe them everything. Then there is college and they figure it is their parents responsibility to put them through it.  Sorry but in reality most parent will do anything they can to get their kids through college but it is not their responsibility to do so.  Check the contract on your schooling, did your step dad sign too?  If not maybe you need to remove that bill from your mother and start paying it your self.  Maybe you need to look at your cost to your mom too.  If your brothers are super smart then they are probably able to get jobs and help too.  I was not super smart and I had to study hard to make it and that left little time for sleep but they pick up thing easy then they should be helping out there too.  Most college students work while in school and it angers me that the three of you can't find it in your hearts to find a way to help with the finances.  Sounds like the silver lined pockets are tarnishing and no one is willing to help keep them polished

    If you simply dropped out of school because of this you are truely stupid because between the three brothers and Mom  you could get part time jobs and maybe look into grants to help with the school costs and make life easier for all of you.

  3. Its called a divorce. He will have to pay if you go to court.

  4. she could sign up for social service assistance

  5. go to the cort there a new thing when they pay for your house and food section 8 I forgot what its called don't give up just pray good will make a way out of no way he did it me he will do it 4u... I said a pray  4u..if u ever want say a pray on the phone email,me hope1280dream ...  


    heres a website about alimony laws in south carolina that may help...

    maybe consider moving your mom into a cheaper place if she and your step father are renting

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