My stepdaughter will be 12 in a couple of months, and last night I caught her banging a very large stick around her room. I told her that sticks belong outside, and to please put it in the yard, where she could play with it outside. She cried, and didn't do it. this morning I reminded her to put the stick outside, and again she cried. She said that she's had it in her room for 6 months, and holds it all of the time. She says that since we won't get her a pet, she should be able to keep the stick in her room. Was I being too harsh in making her get rid of it? Oh, and I let her put it in the garage instead. Also, we can't have more pets because we have a new baby in the house, and I don't want another responsibility, and she's not old enough to handle it.Sorry this is so long, but I want to know if I'm being fair or too harsh. Thanks!