
My stepmum is so annoying. What shall I do?

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My stepmum annoys me so much. Since she's moved in with us, my relationship with my dad has gone worse. She can't keep her nose out of anything.. I never have a conversation with my dad when she's around because she listens in and starts giving her own opinion when it has nothing to do with her. I only talk to my dad when she's at work, if dad is taking me to town in the car or when dad comes into my room because I don't want her listenning into the conversation. If she's indoors while me and my dad are talking, she'll ask my dad what we were talking about! I'm lacking sleep because she talks so loudly. Sometimes, if I need to go to bed earlier for school, I don't get to sleep until around 12 - 1am because she talks so loud. It's the same on weekend mornings when I'm sleeping in. I get around 5 hours sleep, and I'm not going to bed earlier just because she can't shut up. I've told my dad about this numerous times but she hasn't stopped. I'm not saying I hate her, but what do I do?




  1. is there any poss. way you can stay with your mom during the week, or jus stay with her period?? or maybe you can turn on some music quietly and put earphones on, try putting the pillow over you head(dont smother yourself though), you try talking to your stepmom, tell them it's effecting your school work because you lack sleep, idk GOOD LUCK!!

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