
My sternum is hurting but I don't know why.?

by Guest31788  |  earlier

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I always stretch before I go to sleep and the other day when I put my arms behind my back and stuck my chest out for 5 sec. my sternum started hurting. There was no crack and no sound. I can breathe normally and deeply and it doesn't hurt but when I sneeze or laugh a little too hard it starts hurting but not too much. Also I can't touch my toes anymore because of the pain. Is my sternum cracked or bruised? If it is bruised how long will it last? Please give me a definite honest answer because I can't play football or soccer with this pain.




  1. There are no definite answers with out an actual diagnosis from a licensed Physician. The possibilities are endless. They include a rib subluxation,  bone bruise etc. Subluxations usually cause pin in the sternum area that wraps around to the spine or just end points of the rib. Some people have and additional muscle along side of their sternum called the sternalis muscle. The muscle has no known purpose. In many individuals this muscle can cause chest pain and pain that mimics a heart attack. It is not uncommon for it to be on just one side. Bruised bone pain can last a week to a month.

  2. ~ Hi ~ ! My guess is with your nightly stretches my have caused you to pull the cartilage/muscles around the sternum. It can actually be quite painful. Though generally, it's not life threatening. If you tolerate Ibuprophen, I would take liquid Advil (it comes in generic) and it will significantly help the pain.

    There is a condition called costochondritis (I'm NOT saying you have that), it's not a life threatening condition, but can be painful.

    Since this is sudden onset of pain I would recommend to see your Doctor and have a chest X-ray. Especially, if the pain is bad enough to interrupt your sports activities.

    I'm very sorry you're in so much pain. I wish I could be more help. =(

  3. this is odd, you do not have any problem when you inhale of exhale? a problem in the sternum usually coincides with discomfort when breathing, coughing and such. so, i would say you may have strained a muscle or a ligament. if this is the case i would imagine you should feel better in a few days. you ought to take some advil for any inflammation not just for pain but to help reduce any swelling. a ligament injury may take longer to heal but are also more difficult to strain, usually any way. try moist heat to the area for 15 mins. on 1/2 hr off and 15 on again and then repeat every so often for next few days. you should be fine.

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